Hi all, Warp Forge here just wondering and rabbling about ideas here, but I just want to know what are everyones thoughts on a Freeboota Supplement fandex for the Orks if I made one?
Or better yet a collective of all of us Dark Magos' to help one, another out for creating a fandex we all can be happy with?
I had a few ideas, one of which seemed cool for a gun for the Freebootas:
Range: 18"
Strength: 5
AP: 4
Type: Assault 3, High Voltage (as seen in the Grot-Prod entry)
-Flash gitz can become troops
-New armour type available to Flash gitz and Kaptins:
Snazzy Armour: models gains a 2+ Sv..............8pts.
-Kaptins replace Warbosses..
Just a few brainstomed ideas, what do you all think?
Cheers to all comments.