Thursday 23 April 2015

The craftworld codex. How I'm planning to beat them :)

Ok so after hearing what new Craftworld can do and all the tableflipping that usually ensures after that I decided for us fellow Hereteks that we can't just stand by and let those Elf filth just trample us, yet we can't just flip tables as everyone thinks either. We need to tell those Craftworlds who truely owns the immarterium.

So I began thinking of ways to bring about their demise.

Now I have seen the BoLS thread and imo its a load of crusty *whatevernurglehas* why? because it focuses on one aspect of an army and one aspect is easy to get around, however there isn't going to be just one aspect. There are going to be many aspects such as tanks, bladestorm, en massed psychic, etc. I found it as no use and thought of it more of satire than advice.

So for me I went back to the drafting board (quite litterally if you see the image hehe ;) ).

Make no mistake, this was not easy. This involved a deep discussion with a GK friend (look times are desparete and so Chaos needs some personal time with their arch enemy once in a while haha :) ) and many video calls. The main reason why this was so hard was because they have an answer for everything in one board. They have resiliance to keep things alive. They have the firepower. They have the CC to take you out. They are further enhanced by their Psychic that they mass spam and its hard to counter an enemy that has all the tools at their disposal with no obvious weakness due to enhancement of psychic. All other armies have a strength and a weakness, Tau have excellent shooting but no CC. DE are fast but once caught its a slippery end. Necrons are slow or things that are fast but can be intercepted. All SM/CSM are jack of all trades, good at everything but nothing to excell at. Orks have a big lack of Sv value. Tyranids are squishy. Imperial Guard have a lack of good CC as well. (We will come to Eldar in just a bit).

But make no mistake there are ways around them.

The Eldar weakness revolves around the reliance of psykers once they are out of the picture then you're golden. Unfortunatly this is way easier said than done but if you get the chance then go for it. lay down those witches and send their souls straight to slannesh.

The main thing is Psychic, not D-flamers, not Fast jetbikes not even the synergy of the force. its that psychic and their ability to en mass spam the casting pool. Now if you have a large number of psykers in your army (e.g. GK, Eldar, Tyranids) you have the potential to dipell like crazy as you have access to a crazy amount of psychic that you can dispell. If you have 3 or less psykers then unfortunatly you will just have to ignore their psychic powers and hope you can take one or more of their spells out, but don't fret too much about it you can still have ways to take them out.

For those who are low in Psychic (Marines in all varients, AM, Orks, etc) or are Psychicless (looking at you Necrons ;) ) you have units and weapons at your arsenal.

-Templates, blasts and barrage: Templates are brilliant as the usually have a large enough threat range to cover the board to intercept what the Elves are doing, enforce those baleflamers, get DS in with flamers and heavy flamers. These get rid of cover saves and since Jink Sv. are a cover save then they dont get their amazing Jink saves that they usually get forced to roll hard on their armour Sv.

Next take more than one template. Drown them in fire. Volumes of fire will take out their units.

Barrage is probbaly going to be another best friend as well, why? because with good positioning you can block LoS. Eldar still need LoS to see things, so by blocking it and being able to shoot templates means that they will be forced to position in certain ways.. ways you can intercept..

Next thought is to force them to snap fire:

Eldar HATE this, they have really good BS and they want to use this with their Guide. Bring Flyers, circle around them then pick them off. Storm Ravens, FMC, Helldrakes, Croissonts, etc. Eldar do not get a good amount of Skyfire and what use is a D-flamer when it cant physically shoot anything? Just play the Howlings Flying Castle game and you can save your units a lot of hassle.

Now third point:

Your own psychic:

This ones more risky due to the fact your opponent will have a lot of dispel dice but if you pull it off you can live the high life on the board.

Take Telepathy and mount up on it, I know Biomancy looks tasty but seriously you will be thankful of it. if you get Invisibility then cast that like a bad heretic on as many units as possible. again force Eldar to snap fire because they hate it. If you don't have divinitation then go for Biomancy, if you don't have biomancy then go for your own codex specific powers.

Fourth point FW:

FW helps out in so many ways, go for it and play about with it, see what you think is good snd what you feel isn't. Its hard too describe too much here because FW has that much variety its like walking into a sweet shop and not knowing what to buy first haha :)

Point five: Interception

Eldar like to go fast and close, you can maipulare this via bating and using fast units yourself such as Spawn, Maulerfiends Wraiths, etc. tempt them into an objective then pounce on them like the predator you are.

So thats how I think you can beat the dirty Elves hehe ;) and this is only the tip of the iceberg but as you play against the new craftworlds I'm sure as hell will know that you will pick up stuff along the way that I may have never even mentioned here :) .

The Attack on Eldar starts now! Gather your swords and jump packs and hit hard at the back of the neck- Sorry wrong franchise haha :)

This is The Warp Forge, signing out and remember.. Keep on Forging!

-The Warp Forge