Friday 4 July 2014

Custom Rules: Looted Wagon!

Ok so after reading up on the Looted wagon rules, I do have to say that I did feel as if the rules were... Well... C+P and made in two minutes in an odd coffey break and honestly I just felt as if this was just not plain cricket.

So I thought, why not give them a complete new makeover for the new book, for a bit of fun

And so here is my interpretation of how the Looted Wagon should have been:

Looted Wagon......................................................30pts

BS: 2 F:10 S:10 R:10

Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank, Open-topped, Transport)

Unit Composition:

1 Looted Wagon

Special Rules:

Don't Press Dat: Roll 1D6 for each units of Looted Wagons at the start of the shooting phase. On a roll of a 1, the Looted Wagon must move flat out, even if it performed a tank shock earlier in the turn.


Transport Capacity: fifteen models

Fire points: If a Looted Wagon has the 'ard case upgrade it has four fire points one at either side of the hull, one at the front of the hull and one at the rear of the hull.

Access points: If a Looted wagon has the 'ard case upgrade then it has here access points, one at either side of the hull and one at the rear of the hull.


May include upto two additional Looted Wagons: 30pts per model

May take one of the following:

Boomgun: 30pts per model
Killakannon: 15pts per model
Zzap Gun: 15pts per model
Kannon: 10pts per model
Lobba: 10pts per model
Bubblechukka: 15pts per model
Kustom Mega-Kannon: 15pts per model
Smasha Gun: 10pts per model
Traktor Kannon: 20pts per model
Two Twin-Linked Deffgunz: 15pts per model
Deffstorm Mega Shoota: 30pts per model

You may also upgrade the Front and Side Armour Values of the Looted Wagon to a maximum of Armour Value 14:
Front Armour: 15pts for each additional point of AV, per model
Side Armour: 15pts for each additional point of AV, per model

You can also upgrade the Rear Armour Value of a Looted Wagon upto a maximum of Armour Value 12:
Rear Armour: 15pts for each additional point of AV, per model
Rear Armour15pts for each additional point of AV, per model

May Take upto 4 of the following:

Big Shoota: 5pts each per model
Rokkit Launcher: 5pts each per model
Skorcha: 5pts each per model
Kustom Mega Blasta: 10pts each per model
Burna: 1pts each per model
Deffgun: 10pts per model

May Take any of the Following:
Deffrola: 10pts
'Ard case: 15pts
Grabbin Klaw: 5pts

May take equipment from the Ork Vehicle Equipment list.

Ok so what was the aim of this?

This was to really make Looted Wagons... Well... Looted and custom to really make a good squadron of Looted battle tanks scrapped and cobbled together by the Meks into each Warboss' image, this was to basically really have fun making Looted wagons to cover a wide range of vehicles with one type of unit, and to also make the atmosphere of a Looted Wagon feel lifelike and give it some soul for each Ork Player to enjoy.

What I want to know, is what is your opinion of this loadout? is there anything you feel that is too expensive? Too cheap? and if anyone wants to playest these rules and give me feedback then I would also appreciate that

Bearing in mind that this is meant to be more of a fun loadout than a competitive one, but also one to give more variety to everyone out there

So would love to hear your opinions on it and why you would think that

Cheers to all comments

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