Monday 11 November 2013

Combat Servitors

Ok so I got curious and decided to create a new Unit for CSM one time, posted it on a Wargaming Forum called DakkaDakka and got a quite a bit of Praise for it, so I was wondering but what does the Blogger community think of this unit?

This was meant to give the Warpsmith a bit more flavour to the Codex and think it would look cool on the board :)

As the role of a servitor is to help a Techmarine with labour tasks, a Combat Servitors role is to ensnare and bind a Daemon machine whilst a Warpsmith makes the appropriate repairs and "Improvement's" to the daemon machine. In many cases these unlucky souls are simply prisoners that the Warpsmiths warband or Legion has "obtained" from a sector or planet that has been raided or taken by said warband or Legion although it is not rare for a cultist to be kidnapped my members of a Warpsmiths division of the warband, wither way each subject is endured in gruelling hours of pain as they are lobotomised with no anaesthetic and transformed into the mindless creatures they become. At times a Combat Servitor may succumb to its past memories of what he or she once was, in such a case the Combat Servitor will go insane and start attacking anyone it can reach. When such a case happens The Warpsmith has installed upon the Combat Servitor a self destruct mechanism, so when the Combat Servitor does succumb to its insanity, the Warpsmith will simply activate the self destruct devise upon the designated Combat Servitor causing it to explode in a mix of crimson scrap, but the explosion will only harm anyone who is less tough than the Warpsmith. They have obtained the name "Combat Servitors" because images of physical warfare can lead them into a oily adrenaline-fueled bloodthrist, and when they do enter combat there Chain tendrils rip apart light armour though means of savage mauling's and impaling's like madmen, reducing the enemy target into a bloody mist.
Ok so this is the first time I have made a homebrew unit for Chaos (or a homebrew unit at all), and I would love to hear the communities input on these guys

Combat Servitor

WS:4 BS:3 S:4 T:3 W:1 I:4 A:2 LD:9 Sv:4+

Combat Servitors.....................................................................................................................................................................................75pts
You may include one unit of Combat Servitors for every Warpsmith in your army.

Unit Composition:
- 5 Combat servitors

Unit Type:
- Infantry

- Chain Tendrils

Special Rules
-Berserk Mindlock
-Furious Charge

Berserk Mindlock:

At times on the battlefield a Combat Servitor may Succumb to memories of his or her former self driving it insane and attacking anyone in Tendrils reach, before mindwipe protocol's reset the Combat Servitor to maintenance state... If the Warpsmith has not activated the self-destruct mechanism beforehand

A unit of Combat Servitors must test for Berserk Mindlock at the start of each friendly turn. Roll a D6 for each unit of Combat Servitors. If the result is a 4+ the test is passed and the unit can function normally for the remainder of the turn. If the result is a 1-3 then the unit of Combat servitors have Succumbed to Berserk Mindlock - The unit (and any character in the unit) must move and assault the closest enemy unit (and any characters must move and assault the closest enemy unit (unless there are any special rules that have been bestowed on the unit that specifies that the unit cannot perform the Berserk Mindlock, such as an effect of a psychic power for example). A combat servitor unit does not make a Berserk Mindlock test if the unit is pinned or falling back. If a unit of Combat Servitors rally, then they must take the Rally test before making a Berserk Mindlock test.


If the Warpsmith feels under threat from a Combat Servitor or if he feels that it could be advantageous to him on the battlefield, The Warpsmith will activate a Self-Destruct mechanism causing the Combat Servitor to explode in a mess of oily crimson scrap

In the main-fight sub phase any number combat servitors may declare that they are going to declare a Self-Destruct rule, place a small blast template over the combat servitor, all models (friend and foe) under the small blast template suffer a Str 3 AP - hit, after casualty's have been resolved remove the Combat servitor without any types saves allowed (or any other clever way you can think of keeping him on the table). If all friendly Warpsmiths that the owning player controls have been removed from the table however, then all friendly Combat Servitors lose the Self-Destruct rule.

Chain Tendrils:

Chain Tendrils replace the arms of the former Combat servitor with worm-like tendrils that look similar to lasher tendrils. Their primary use is to bind and ensnare a Daemon machine and hold one in place whist the Warpsmith makes the appropriate repairs or installs "improvement's" on the warp beast. These Chain tendrils also can be weaponised to turn a light armoured enemy target into nothing more than a crimson mist.

A model equipped with chain Tendrils gain +2 attacks in combat.

Bind the machine!
While the Combat servitors can be used on the battlefield as weapons, they can also be quite good at binding a machine if the machine has taken damage so that the Warpsmith can make a repair at a faster rate

If a Warpsmith is with a squad of Combat Servitors as he is about to repair a vehicle using the Master of Mechanisms rule, then the Warpsmith gets an additional +1 to add to his repair roll for every 5 Combat Servitors in the unit.


May include up to 5 additional Combat Servitors:.....15pts/model

The unit may take one following Marks of Chaos:

Mark of Khorne:....4pts/model
Mark of Tzeench:...5pts/model
Mark of Nurgle:...4pts/Model
Mark of Slannesh:....3pts/model

For every 5 Combat servitors, one Combat Servitor may replace their Chain Tendrils with one of the following:

So what do you all think? would love to hear out all your thoughts on this unit :)

This is The Warp Forge signing off and remember... keep on forging!!!

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