Monday 11 November 2013


Ok so this is the first post on The Warp Forge, hi all and welcome to The Warp Forge, from YouTube to Blogger now since I have found out how to use this Blog, because I like talking about upcoming projects, battles, games and the hobby in general, I have created this blog to share with you all on my progress into the games I play and my thoughts on topics about the hobby, why? because I love discussing the hobby with you all :) so what I am going to try and do is to post up upcoming announcements for the channel on an every day basis, to help you know what's coming for the Channel and to discuss about topics in more detail than a video could ever do :)

For the first announcement for the channel, I have been working very hard on a Tactical insight for all the units in IA: Apoc, starting with Chaos (of course), obviously this is going to take me a while to create, but as well while your waiting I will be doing the Usual Batreps as well to show you all that I have not abandoned you, I am working on Videos but currently its hard to make time for videos as College work takes first priority, but rest not as I am creating content because I love creating content for you all..

For those who don't know about The Warp Forge, it is a wargaming YouTube channel I created, I am The Warp Forge And I create content ranging from all sides of the hobby, Gaming, Modelling and Painting and I am hoping to have a great time with you all on Blogger, I currently play Warhammer 40k As Chaos Space Marines, allied Chaos Daemons, Orks and hope to start Traitor guard early next year :) I wish to play more games but currently at my FLGS it's either 40k, MTG or get out but hopefully this will be subject to change :)

I also create games as well for recreational purposes, but have yet to find a way to show it all to the wargaming community, Currently I am working on a Sci-fi Skirmish game called Lockdown, and a Steampunk fantasy wargame called The Forgotten Realm (but name is subject to change)

So this is all about me, I would love to hear you all out and hope to find some great Blogs to follow as well on Blogger :)

Until then, this is The Warp Forge signing out and remember Keep on Forging :)

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