Sunday 22 December 2013

Campaign of the Ious sector..

Ok so this is The Warp Forge here with an exciting announcement:

I will be running my first campaign at my gaming store in the new year (YEY :D ) and I am excited because I have wanted to do this for a very, very long time but because of the pervious player base only wanting tourney practice, people chose too boot the idea out of the store, but now the player base is refreshed and now I can begin again anew, so I am really looking forward to this as its going to be a story driven campaign in the duration of 6 weeks, and Im super excited for it as well as the players who are joining in too are as well :)

So how will this campaign be run?

- 6 week campaign.

-during every week there will be a new custom scenario.

-there will be custom secondary objectives as well.

-for every victory or defeat players will roll on a reward table or a mutilation table (as seen in an old WD).

-VP will add up for titles at the end of the campaign.

-The last week will be a large Apoc game between two teams.

-Escalation, Forge World units and Stronghold Assault will be included in this campaign.

-1 game will be held per week.

Currently I do not have much fluff for the campaign as I do not know much of what armies will be used, but I will keep you all posted up on updates of the coming Campaign game, and fluff-wise, atm I have 6 players coming to this campaign, so to me that is a large number upcoming to join in on this campaign, and I am really excited, who knowes, if it works out I could make a public campaign in the summer for anyone to join :)

This is The Warp Forge signing out and remember, keep on forging!!!!

Traitior Guard tied in with Dark Mechanicum

Hi all this is The Warp Forge again with another fluff section I made which is a very rough draft for some traitor Guard I wish to create as a side project over the new year, so I was wondering on people's thoughts on this:

-Neglected sector of the Imperium, and is only briefly kept in touch because of a Forge world that is slowly running out of resources to build machines in the sector.

-Because it is neglected it has put dampness upon peoples faith in the Imperium, due to the tyranny and oppressiveness of the sectors governor's before up until present.

-Long lineage of blood of the sectors governors reaches to one particular corrupt governor who claims himself to be a god-king and decrees that all worship to the Emperor and the Omessiah to be blasphemous to his rule.

-To enforce his rule the Governor hires an assassin to assassinate key figures in Imperial faith, Including key priests and commissars in the peoples favour, however out of all assassination's one commissar survives. He also orders the majority of astropath choirs to be executed, especially at the Forge World to cut off the sector so that none can report back to the Imperium at large, and to save a minority to be brought back to his planet, to be used to his will.

-Commissar gets a headshot but it is only minor driving him unconscious, meanwhile knowing that the sector is losing faith in the Imperial truth as well as the commissar is, a daemon speaks to the commissar, and tells him what the governor plans, and how the imperium will not help (which is a half-truth, after all Chaos is fickle in their truths ) but goes on to tell the commissar that Chaos will aid them so long as he spreads the word of chaos as a new faith to believe in and to more importantly seep the taint into the mechanicum, the commissar knowing the horrors of Chaos as he had faced before, reluctantly agrees as he knows the sector needs help and whilst he has lost faith in the imperium, does not believe in the ways of Chaos.

-Assassin reports in that he has achieved his target, however the Governor then orders his men to kill the assassin (bad idea), assassin escapes with an astropath and goes towards the Inquisition to report on the Governors heretical actions.

-Meanwhile the word of chaos spreads out throughout the sector, in ushered tones and reaches to the now speechless Mechanicus, and taint takes hold.

-Dreams now take hold of the now prisoner astropaths tempting them, and drive them into the lure of chaos, Astropath's now mutter nonsensical and vile-sounding noises.

-Governer slowly realising what is happening orders a mass genocide of a large population of a planet, to silence this newly found cult of Chaos.

-Civil war erupts in the sector against forces who are loyal to the Governor (or the imperium secretly or for sentimental values as some may not like the idea of the ways of chaos) against "traitors" with now the large majority of planets including the Forge world turning upon the Governor and invading the Hive World.

-A siege erupts on the Hive city Titans siege the fortress-walls of the city but the city is turned into itself when a the astropaths open up a warp portal in the city and palace, with a warhost of Khorne daemons surging through the palace.

-The Commissar meets in hand-to-hand engagement with the Governor and slays him stabbing him in the crotch, slowly slicing upwards to his stomach, killing him slowly before decapitating him, taking his skull and setting it alight before the main palace balcony. The commissar is then given the title of "Kingslayer" by his men.

-Shortly after the siege and the daemons disappear back into the Warp the sector slowly corrupts more and more into a hellish paradise, until and Inquisitorial fleet arrives believing the sector is in need of help, but see that it is too late.

-With a Warp portal the size of a planet the Inquisitor, then orders Exterminatus upon the sector but orders Space Marines of the Black Templars to retrieve holy relics that have not been defiled before the Exterminatus begins.

-Noticing the threat the Inquisition poses and the Black Templar crusade holds the Commissar prays the Dark god Khorne to return upon the sector to protect them form the Imperial forces.

-The Warp Portal erupts and a force of nightmarish warships appear, Identifiable to the Dark Mechanicum descend upon the Exterminatus fleet, noticing this The Commissar then orders a full attack upon all Black Templar forces that will invade upon all planets.

-As the battles are taking place the warp storm seems to appear to be growing rapidly and ends up swallowing the sector wide, however leaving the Imperial forces alone.

-Commissar finds out that the Mechanicum forces had been praying to the dark gods since the siege and the dark mechanicum had head their pleas, noticing some wealth in the forge World and sector, they answered instead of Khorne and took the sector to grow their smoke ridden Hell-forges.

-the guard forces now obey the dark mechanicum allowing to keep their uniform colours but will do their bidding, this now usually includes taking planets and sectors as well as taking specific items or materials on that world so that the Forges keep on running.

-Commissar now adopting his new way of life is still conflicted though as he did not wish for his sector to fully embrace chaos.
So what's everyone's thoughts? I think its a cool piece I have made, its how's Chaos as a sort of twisted good guy and the Imperium as the bad guy with a Conflicted Commissar right in the centre, all part of the Grim Darkness that is the 41st Millennium :)

This is The Warp Forge, signing out and remember to keep on forging!!!!

Is it the list or the attitude?

Ok so here I am again The Warp Forge with a topic I wish to discuss with you all, mostly on 40k but that can equate to wargaming in general..

When playing a game, is it the list someone may bring or the attitude someone bring with their army that people have dislike?

When I say they type of list, I mean like a type of Netlist, like in 40k such as Tau-dar, seer councils, Screamer stars, Helldrake spam, Wave Serpent spam, etc, etc or maybe a list especially designed to beat your list specifically, those sorts of lists, do they drag you down to a point where you roll your eyes intentionally at your opponent as you know they have done it deliberate? those kind of lists where you know it is one sided to high heck, and just a waste of a few hours for you to play that game?

Or is it the attitude of the player after all would you play against those lists if you knew your opponent was incredibly fun to play against? likewise would you play against someone who had an extremely fluffy or even just a wild list but had an really appalling attitude, you know like as in your opponent who would whine on one small even that happened during the game, or just was completely silent and only talked when he/she was announcing important events?

I ask because could it be both? or is it one or the other?

For me its a combination of both, it depends on the list, for example if I feel as if I was going up against a list that I knew I would feel powerless against, it would really drag my moral down, but I would play it if my opponent was extremely fun to play against, such as if he/she was extremely funny to play against, it would really ease up the game, but at the same time I could be playing against a list which seemed decent and non-abusive, but with every move I made my opponent could be saying really snarky things or look at me silently at me when their stuff is dying as if my opponent had planned to have an everlasting curse upon me that would ruin the mood of the game for me as well, but I see commonly on the internet that this discussion is either one or the other, but when I sit down and have had a good think about it, I think it really is a combination of the two in all honesty..

So what are your thoughts? what do you think, could it be the list an opponent takes or could it be her/his attitude towards the game?

Cheers to all comments :)

This is The Warp Forge signing out and remember to keep on forging!!!!