Sunday 22 December 2013

Is it the list or the attitude?

Ok so here I am again The Warp Forge with a topic I wish to discuss with you all, mostly on 40k but that can equate to wargaming in general..

When playing a game, is it the list someone may bring or the attitude someone bring with their army that people have dislike?

When I say they type of list, I mean like a type of Netlist, like in 40k such as Tau-dar, seer councils, Screamer stars, Helldrake spam, Wave Serpent spam, etc, etc or maybe a list especially designed to beat your list specifically, those sorts of lists, do they drag you down to a point where you roll your eyes intentionally at your opponent as you know they have done it deliberate? those kind of lists where you know it is one sided to high heck, and just a waste of a few hours for you to play that game?

Or is it the attitude of the player after all would you play against those lists if you knew your opponent was incredibly fun to play against? likewise would you play against someone who had an extremely fluffy or even just a wild list but had an really appalling attitude, you know like as in your opponent who would whine on one small even that happened during the game, or just was completely silent and only talked when he/she was announcing important events?

I ask because could it be both? or is it one or the other?

For me its a combination of both, it depends on the list, for example if I feel as if I was going up against a list that I knew I would feel powerless against, it would really drag my moral down, but I would play it if my opponent was extremely fun to play against, such as if he/she was extremely funny to play against, it would really ease up the game, but at the same time I could be playing against a list which seemed decent and non-abusive, but with every move I made my opponent could be saying really snarky things or look at me silently at me when their stuff is dying as if my opponent had planned to have an everlasting curse upon me that would ruin the mood of the game for me as well, but I see commonly on the internet that this discussion is either one or the other, but when I sit down and have had a good think about it, I think it really is a combination of the two in all honesty..

So what are your thoughts? what do you think, could it be the list an opponent takes or could it be her/his attitude towards the game?

Cheers to all comments :)

This is The Warp Forge signing out and remember to keep on forging!!!!

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