Monday 30 June 2014

More Progress on Lord Zufor!

Ok so more Progress on Lord Zufor :) I'm personally very happy with how he is turning out so far :)

This is The Warp Forge, Signing out and remember.. Keep on forging!

The Mob Rule table

Ok so first off I don't really like criticising about rules and armies in public discussion as I don't really like getting too much mixed up in the politics of the game however I do feel as this is needed to be pointed out, and to get this off my chest..

Ok so what is the Mob Rule now?

Basically if you fail a moral or pinning test (so you can take a possible both tests in a turn) you consult a chart, on a 1 you run away, on a 2-4 you take D6 strength 4 hits at AP- and pass the test on a 5-6 you take the D6 hits as you would for the 2-4 result except its randomly allocated and if your boys are less than 10 in the squad they fail the test.

Ok so you take some hits but pass test, seems fair?

No, the fact is, is that it heavily penalises small mobz of boys, plus it can take a lot out of a big mob, such as if your opponent kills 8 guys out of a  30 boy mob you fail a moral test and now you kill off 3 guys (seeing as its average) that's over a quarter of your guys gone in one phase, let along turn and while yes you pass your moral/pinning how long will it get before you make it in combat? how and how many of your guys will actually make it in combat? too many variables just to say "you passed moral therefore all is good" so to say..

The other thing that annoys me about this rule is their shoddy reason behind it, the Game devs basically said that Orks like to fight eachother.. Yes this is correct Orks do like to fight eachother.. however they will only fight eachother only if there is no one else around

Put it this way:

Your an Ork boy in a large mob and your mate Zog it right next to you and you quite clearly see and horde of Hormagaunts charge towards you and your Mob is beginning momentum for a charge towards the horde, now do you:

A) Bonk your mate Zog over the head repeatedly with your Choppa


B) Follow the rest of your mob and charge the Hormaguants..

If you chose A) even an Ork Boy would classify you as a simpleton..

This is what annoys me about the Game Devs reasoning behind the rule, they knew what they were doing and so do we, us, their audience, however they put up a shoddy reason behind it instead of the saying the real reason behind the rule... to make Space Marines look good.

The other thing that annoys me about this rule is more form a game designing perspective, your playing a horde army meaning that you will have a shed ton of models to move, shoot, etc, etc, this of course takes time and a lot of it because of the amount of models you have.. This rule of random rolling followed by even more random rolling just bulks out the game even more unnecessarily I mean yeah this will take a few mins to resolve, yet those few mins take time out still and even more so builds up for every time you roll the chart.

Ok so how about minimising results for the Mob Rule table?

Yes there are ways fortunately, and it does help to minimise results so its not all doom and gloom.. However these results are either expensive or very controversial..

The first thing that jumped to me was the Stompa.. that beast has a special rule called effigy which means that units within 6" of it gain fearless, which stops mob rule in its tracks..


The Stompa is a very controversial unit, and this is because not many people like playing against super-heavy's and will refuse games as soon as they hear the word "super" without batting an eye.. So we have to assume that The Stompa for this time is out of bounds..

The other option includes giving your mobz 'Eavy armour which confers a 4+ save, seems good right? well its is.. however it is 4pts meaning that your average boy becomes 10pts.. 10pts... for 4 points more you can a CSM.. in turn this means your average horde will cost around 350pts which as you can see, is very expensive..

You can also place in a Painboy in the unit giving the unit Feel No Pain.. However (I love the word however hehe ;) ) he does take up a HQ slot meaning your going to be taking multiple detachments this way or your going with the new Ork detachment which reinforces Green Tide, and also to that its only FNP.. many weapons can still attack and basically ignore your points you paid to make your mobz FNP, plus is still bulks the game unnecessarily...

There is also The Kustom Force Field, however its gives a 5+ invulnerable save against shooting attacks to models within 6" of it.. yeah with such a small range, your not going to have all your mobz covered..

So there are ways to minimise however you are paying points to fix something internally instead of paying points to focus on your enemy, which I disagree with.. a lot.

My apologies for a negative rant but I did feel as if I had to address this point and get it off my chest, but as I resume I have a lot of nice things to say and review in the future for the Ork codex :)

This is The Warp Forge, signing out and remember.. Keep on forging!

New Orks!

Ok so had a day on launch of this battle report:

Will be making more reports of as well as reviews on more sections of the codex.

Personally from first impressions, it seems solid but I do think the Mob rule table will hurt us a lot..

As do go into a deeper discussion on the Mob Rule table I do think I need to make another topic about it..

Saturday 28 June 2014

Ork Codex first impressions

Ok so today I got the new Ork codex and I had my first game with it against the 'ol Bugz (Tyranids), it was a good scrap and in the end I won the game by 1 VP.

So with that here are my first impressions of the book:

Here are my first impressions of the Codex:

 What I liked:

 Stompas now in the codex. This beast was a great unit, very expensive but a fun great unit and I will be very bold so say that it's not OP for a super-heavy walker
 New Upgrades (Gifts of Gork and Mork): Really liked this, especially Da Shiny Shoota, and Da Finkin Kap, only wished my Warboss stayed alive long enough to use the Killchoppa..
 What I don't like:

 Mob Rule: while I did not have many units of boys as my points sank into the Stompa I did get into combat with enemy units, and it really takes its toll, I mean it really hurt to be in assault with Hormagaunts, (yes you did hear that right), and honestly once I get more games under my belt I really do think this rule will impact upon the Orks in a big negative way imo..

 Lack of Inv Saves: This is killer, as I found out with my Warboss, that because we don't have Inv saves even the hardest on multi-wound modes will be barraged and slapped around like abuse cute and fluffy animals, personally this may frustrate me in the future, and tbh I can see that happening..

 No FoC Swapping: This already frustrated me in the first place tbh, and I feel restricted because of this, and to me it makes Orks lacks flavour of unit selection imo..

 Orks are still I: 2: So they strike at the same time as a Necron and a Fire Warrior? no I really don't bite that..

 Loss of WAAAGGH!!! Plane and Fighta Ace: Yeah I used the Dakkajet and personally, losing WAAAGH!!! plane was one thing but I really don't like the Fightaboss rule as I now have to hit majority of ground units as BS2, which I dislike.

 Personally whilst I liked the option for Wazdakka and Old Zogwart, I never really picked them anyway so they make no difference to me (but I can see why people would be ticked off).

 Conclusion: The Ork codex changed, it got a few new shiny stuff here and there, and I really need to get a few more games under my belt before I can come into a final judgement about the book, but I honestly feel as if the codex is a bit... bland if I do say so myself, there's a lot of sauce, but no beef to go with it so to say, I feel as if they went a bit safe with the Ork codex, and not added many things that would sort of hit the nail in the coffin so to say again..
 Like I say I personally feel that I need more games under my belt to get a full, fair and final judgement on the book, but that is where I stand with it at the moment imo..

Monday 9 June 2014

Lord Zufor WIP

Ok so I just bought this Lord Zufor secondhand and I was just cleaning it up and fleshing it out making hom brighter and got to work on his head :)

This is The Warp Forge signing out, and remember.. Keep on forging!

Sunday 8 June 2014

Latest Video: The arrival of Warhammer 40k 7th edition

40k Ramblings: The arrival of 7th edition:

6th edition is dead. Long live 7th ed!

The Joker

So in this post it is my latest project which is Heath Ledgers Joker from The Dark Knight from Nolans trilogy by Knights Models.

Hope you all enjoy :)

This is The Warp Forge signing off and remember... Keep on forging!


Ok wow its been a while, and I am so sorry to you all, its just been such a lobg time of being busy with exams and all, its been very hard to focus on this..

Ok to go through a few things for you all:


This game has its rules written, I need to type them up then add a few factions in and playtest, background has been made as part if a timeline to show how events have went in the universe of lockdown. One of the main problems when creating the game was visualisation; I found it hard to show you how everything looks the atmosphere, the races, the weapons, etc, etc as I myself can draw but not to the degree that fimor the effect I want to give you all, but now I have a friend who has said that he can draw for me who can draw to the standard that I want to I am very greatful that he has offered his services to me :)

The Forgotten Realm:

Ok so this is still in the same boat as Lockdown however in terms of rules it is very complete, so now its just typing it up on a computer and turning into a PDF file for you all to enjoy :)

Warhammer 40,000:

It is now 7th edition, may its reign be long and just. I am still sticking to 40k and I am going going to do a shed ton more coverage on it, and I am also thinking on adding a few friends to The Warp Forge project in aid to help show a wider variety of content at quick pace for you all to enjoy at home.

Other games:

Ok so this is a big thing for me as I wanted The Warp Forge project to be about wargaming in all its shapes and sizes, not just stuck with 40k to be honest, so I took the liberty of getting my finger out of my arse and went buy a few games to expand on this project, so I niw have invested into three more games which are:

Deadzone - Mantic Games

Malifaux - Wyrd Games

Batman Miniatures Game - Knights Models

So already I have a player base for two of these games but we are all just starting Deadzone and we are all keen on the idea of starting this game.

The Warp Forge Project:

Hopefully now with Exams out of the way I can now get started with more content for you guys at home with all the usual updates.

This is The Warp Forge, signing out and remember... Keep on forging!