Saturday 28 June 2014

Ork Codex first impressions

Ok so today I got the new Ork codex and I had my first game with it against the 'ol Bugz (Tyranids), it was a good scrap and in the end I won the game by 1 VP.

So with that here are my first impressions of the book:

Here are my first impressions of the Codex:

 What I liked:

 Stompas now in the codex. This beast was a great unit, very expensive but a fun great unit and I will be very bold so say that it's not OP for a super-heavy walker
 New Upgrades (Gifts of Gork and Mork): Really liked this, especially Da Shiny Shoota, and Da Finkin Kap, only wished my Warboss stayed alive long enough to use the Killchoppa..
 What I don't like:

 Mob Rule: while I did not have many units of boys as my points sank into the Stompa I did get into combat with enemy units, and it really takes its toll, I mean it really hurt to be in assault with Hormagaunts, (yes you did hear that right), and honestly once I get more games under my belt I really do think this rule will impact upon the Orks in a big negative way imo..

 Lack of Inv Saves: This is killer, as I found out with my Warboss, that because we don't have Inv saves even the hardest on multi-wound modes will be barraged and slapped around like abuse cute and fluffy animals, personally this may frustrate me in the future, and tbh I can see that happening..

 No FoC Swapping: This already frustrated me in the first place tbh, and I feel restricted because of this, and to me it makes Orks lacks flavour of unit selection imo..

 Orks are still I: 2: So they strike at the same time as a Necron and a Fire Warrior? no I really don't bite that..

 Loss of WAAAGGH!!! Plane and Fighta Ace: Yeah I used the Dakkajet and personally, losing WAAAGH!!! plane was one thing but I really don't like the Fightaboss rule as I now have to hit majority of ground units as BS2, which I dislike.

 Personally whilst I liked the option for Wazdakka and Old Zogwart, I never really picked them anyway so they make no difference to me (but I can see why people would be ticked off).

 Conclusion: The Ork codex changed, it got a few new shiny stuff here and there, and I really need to get a few more games under my belt before I can come into a final judgement about the book, but I honestly feel as if the codex is a bit... bland if I do say so myself, there's a lot of sauce, but no beef to go with it so to say, I feel as if they went a bit safe with the Ork codex, and not added many things that would sort of hit the nail in the coffin so to say again..
 Like I say I personally feel that I need more games under my belt to get a full, fair and final judgement on the book, but that is where I stand with it at the moment imo..

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