Saturday 8 November 2014

So a new refreshing take upon the Orks..

Ok so with the current book, I realise that I cannot keep up with the race with the current units I have, my force I will admit right now is an unorganised mess of bloat. This was because there was a lot in the old codex that I could switch around to gain an organised force, but now with the new codex my units are trash imo, untill I make a unified force.

So we now have the next chapter.. Re-booting an Ork force.

So with this in mind I decided to think of a completely fresh approach fro a new list for the Greenskins and I always think what would happen if I actually went Green tide..

My current thoughts about Green tide and the amount of bodies was because of my Tyranid opponent en. Massing the swarm so to say, and he is actually doing quite well with it, (granted those Flyrants are his key card in his list which do get the attention and limelight of his list) and it did get me thinking about the Boyz and what would it be like when I have en. massed them..

And so with that thought I decided to make a list with the tide of green, and unending mass of T 4 and raving loonies wanting to scram to the combat..

So here is the List:

HQ (Warlord)

'Eavy Armour
Cybork body
Lucky Stikk
Kombi Rokkit (unusual I know but its for WYSIWYG purposes)
Power Klaw


(30) Ork boyz
Boss Nob
Power Klaw

(30) Ork boyz
Boss Nob
Power Klaw

(30) Ork boyz
Boss Nob
Power Klaw

(30) Ork boyz
Boss Nob
Power Klaw

(30) Ork boyz
Boss Nob
Power Klaw

... This came to around 1260 points, I was astounded by how much I had left for the rest of my units in my army, theres a shit ton of bodies and I can get more stuff...

Heavy Support:

(3) Big Gunz
(3) Traktor Kannonz

I took these for dedicated AA fire, as in my area everyone takes a flying unit now these days.. This is to ruin their day hehe ;)

Grot Riggerz
Extra Armour

Grot Riggerz
Extra Armour

I took these because I love the Gorkanought plus it helps against those pesky small units that are a bigger to kill off by drowning them in Str 6 AP 4 shots, also good at dwindling other hordes down..

Fast attack:

Additional supa shoota

I took this for a more flexible way of getting to units that are in entrenched locations of the board

All this came to 1969pts I have a few points left over and I am considering red paint jobs to all vehicles that can take them..

So there we have it. I full fresh new taker on the Orks for me, personally aside of the lack of tanks I do feel quite comfortable with this list I like the amount of bodies that will give area denial to my opponents meaning that it will be hard for my opponent to manoeuvre around the board because of the amount of bodies I will produce for the horde..

Other places I am looking towards is the WAAAGH GHAZKULL!!! supplement because of the Bully Boyz formation as I love Meganobz and the Zagstruck formation as well because I also love Stormboyz..

So untill next time..

This is The Warp Forge, signing out and remember.. Keep on Forging!

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