Saturday 8 November 2014

Updates? Whats been going on...

Ok hi all, The Warp Forge here with a rather unusual post here..

So I know I am not the most kept up to date here on the blog, and there's a reason for that.
Basically I have lots of coursework to do. Lots. So much in fact that it does take out a lot of time and energy from me and to me its hard to get routinely updates when I am out of energy.
But I have tried to come up with more and more whenever I have spare time on my hands so rest assured I am not neglecting the Channel at all, and we do have stuff awaiting for you all in the future.

So what does this mean for the Forge? well for the channel I will post up more video updates. I currently have another Battle Report coming up between Chaos and the Bugs so that will be an interesting fight for you all :) On the Facebook page it means more WIP images for painting projects. On here, the blog? Whenever I get a brainstorm for an idea I will post it up, I will also be posting about topics with the hobby and my views on them on this blog, but with that said the blog in general will become more.. personal so to say, I will be more down to earth and more bias when I am talking to you all on here the blog, this mean that I will most likely make points that you may agree or disagree with, but that will be my honest opinion of the time. I will also post up few images here and there of games and models as well. I addition I will also post up ideas for my current games and post up ryules and background to go with my games to show you the universes I am creating.

Anyho that will all be in store, in the future for you all.

This is The Warp Forge, signing out and remember.. Keep on forging!

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