Ok so this is The Warp Forge here with an exciting announcement:
I will be running my first campaign at my gaming store in the new year (YEY :D ) and I am excited because I have wanted to do this for a very, very long time but because of the pervious player base only wanting tourney practice, people chose too boot the idea out of the store, but now the player base is refreshed and now I can begin again anew, so I am really looking forward to this as its going to be a story driven campaign in the duration of 6 weeks, and Im super excited for it as well as the players who are joining in too are as well :)
So how will this campaign be run?
- 6 week campaign.
-during every week there will be a new custom scenario.
-there will be custom secondary objectives as well.
-for every victory or defeat players will roll on a reward table or a mutilation table (as seen in an old WD).
-VP will add up for titles at the end of the campaign.
-The last week will be a large Apoc game between two teams.
-Escalation, Forge World units and Stronghold Assault will be included in this campaign.
-1 game will be held per week.
Currently I do not have much fluff for the campaign as I do not know much of what armies will be used, but I will keep you all posted up on updates of the coming Campaign game, and fluff-wise, atm I have 6 players coming to this campaign, so to me that is a large number upcoming to join in on this campaign, and I am really excited, who knowes, if it works out I could make a public campaign in the summer for anyone to join :)
This is The Warp Forge signing out and remember, keep on forging!!!!
Sunday, 22 December 2013
Traitior Guard tied in with Dark Mechanicum
Hi all this is The Warp Forge again with another fluff section I made which is a very rough draft for some traitor Guard I wish to create as a side project over the new year, so I was wondering on people's thoughts on this:
-Neglected sector of the Imperium, and is only briefly kept in touch because of a Forge world that is slowly running out of resources to build machines in the sector.
-Because it is neglected it has put dampness upon peoples faith in the Imperium, due to the tyranny and oppressiveness of the sectors governor's before up until present.
-Long lineage of blood of the sectors governors reaches to one particular corrupt governor who claims himself to be a god-king and decrees that all worship to the Emperor and the Omessiah to be blasphemous to his rule.
-To enforce his rule the Governor hires an assassin to assassinate key figures in Imperial faith, Including key priests and commissars in the peoples favour, however out of all assassination's one commissar survives. He also orders the majority of astropath choirs to be executed, especially at the Forge World to cut off the sector so that none can report back to the Imperium at large, and to save a minority to be brought back to his planet, to be used to his will.
-Commissar gets a headshot but it is only minor driving him unconscious, meanwhile knowing that the sector is losing faith in the Imperial truth as well as the commissar is, a daemon speaks to the commissar, and tells him what the governor plans, and how the imperium will not help (which is a half-truth, after all Chaos is fickle in their truths ) but goes on to tell the commissar that Chaos will aid them so long as he spreads the word of chaos as a new faith to believe in and to more importantly seep the taint into the mechanicum, the commissar knowing the horrors of Chaos as he had faced before, reluctantly agrees as he knows the sector needs help and whilst he has lost faith in the imperium, does not believe in the ways of Chaos.
-Assassin reports in that he has achieved his target, however the Governor then orders his men to kill the assassin (bad idea), assassin escapes with an astropath and goes towards the Inquisition to report on the Governors heretical actions.
-Meanwhile the word of chaos spreads out throughout the sector, in ushered tones and reaches to the now speechless Mechanicus, and taint takes hold.
-Dreams now take hold of the now prisoner astropaths tempting them, and drive them into the lure of chaos, Astropath's now mutter nonsensical and vile-sounding noises.
-Governer slowly realising what is happening orders a mass genocide of a large population of a planet, to silence this newly found cult of Chaos.
-Civil war erupts in the sector against forces who are loyal to the Governor (or the imperium secretly or for sentimental values as some may not like the idea of the ways of chaos) against "traitors" with now the large majority of planets including the Forge world turning upon the Governor and invading the Hive World.
-A siege erupts on the Hive city Titans siege the fortress-walls of the city but the city is turned into itself when a the astropaths open up a warp portal in the city and palace, with a warhost of Khorne daemons surging through the palace.
-The Commissar meets in hand-to-hand engagement with the Governor and slays him stabbing him in the crotch, slowly slicing upwards to his stomach, killing him slowly before decapitating him, taking his skull and setting it alight before the main palace balcony. The commissar is then given the title of "Kingslayer" by his men.
-Shortly after the siege and the daemons disappear back into the Warp the sector slowly corrupts more and more into a hellish paradise, until and Inquisitorial fleet arrives believing the sector is in need of help, but see that it is too late.
-With a Warp portal the size of a planet the Inquisitor, then orders Exterminatus upon the sector but orders Space Marines of the Black Templars to retrieve holy relics that have not been defiled before the Exterminatus begins.
-Noticing the threat the Inquisition poses and the Black Templar crusade holds the Commissar prays the Dark god Khorne to return upon the sector to protect them form the Imperial forces.
-The Warp Portal erupts and a force of nightmarish warships appear, Identifiable to the Dark Mechanicum descend upon the Exterminatus fleet, noticing this The Commissar then orders a full attack upon all Black Templar forces that will invade upon all planets.
-As the battles are taking place the warp storm seems to appear to be growing rapidly and ends up swallowing the sector wide, however leaving the Imperial forces alone.
-Commissar finds out that the Mechanicum forces had been praying to the dark gods since the siege and the dark mechanicum had head their pleas, noticing some wealth in the forge World and sector, they answered instead of Khorne and took the sector to grow their smoke ridden Hell-forges.
-the guard forces now obey the dark mechanicum allowing to keep their uniform colours but will do their bidding, this now usually includes taking planets and sectors as well as taking specific items or materials on that world so that the Forges keep on running.
-Commissar now adopting his new way of life is still conflicted though as he did not wish for his sector to fully embrace chaos.
So what's everyone's thoughts? I think its a cool piece I have made, its how's Chaos as a sort of twisted good guy and the Imperium as the bad guy with a Conflicted Commissar right in the centre, all part of the Grim Darkness that is the 41st Millennium :)
This is The Warp Forge, signing out and remember to keep on forging!!!!
-Neglected sector of the Imperium, and is only briefly kept in touch because of a Forge world that is slowly running out of resources to build machines in the sector.
-Because it is neglected it has put dampness upon peoples faith in the Imperium, due to the tyranny and oppressiveness of the sectors governor's before up until present.
-Long lineage of blood of the sectors governors reaches to one particular corrupt governor who claims himself to be a god-king and decrees that all worship to the Emperor and the Omessiah to be blasphemous to his rule.
-To enforce his rule the Governor hires an assassin to assassinate key figures in Imperial faith, Including key priests and commissars in the peoples favour, however out of all assassination's one commissar survives. He also orders the majority of astropath choirs to be executed, especially at the Forge World to cut off the sector so that none can report back to the Imperium at large, and to save a minority to be brought back to his planet, to be used to his will.
-Commissar gets a headshot but it is only minor driving him unconscious, meanwhile knowing that the sector is losing faith in the Imperial truth as well as the commissar is, a daemon speaks to the commissar, and tells him what the governor plans, and how the imperium will not help (which is a half-truth, after all Chaos is fickle in their truths ) but goes on to tell the commissar that Chaos will aid them so long as he spreads the word of chaos as a new faith to believe in and to more importantly seep the taint into the mechanicum, the commissar knowing the horrors of Chaos as he had faced before, reluctantly agrees as he knows the sector needs help and whilst he has lost faith in the imperium, does not believe in the ways of Chaos.
-Assassin reports in that he has achieved his target, however the Governor then orders his men to kill the assassin (bad idea), assassin escapes with an astropath and goes towards the Inquisition to report on the Governors heretical actions.
-Meanwhile the word of chaos spreads out throughout the sector, in ushered tones and reaches to the now speechless Mechanicus, and taint takes hold.
-Dreams now take hold of the now prisoner astropaths tempting them, and drive them into the lure of chaos, Astropath's now mutter nonsensical and vile-sounding noises.
-Governer slowly realising what is happening orders a mass genocide of a large population of a planet, to silence this newly found cult of Chaos.
-Civil war erupts in the sector against forces who are loyal to the Governor (or the imperium secretly or for sentimental values as some may not like the idea of the ways of chaos) against "traitors" with now the large majority of planets including the Forge world turning upon the Governor and invading the Hive World.
-A siege erupts on the Hive city Titans siege the fortress-walls of the city but the city is turned into itself when a the astropaths open up a warp portal in the city and palace, with a warhost of Khorne daemons surging through the palace.
-The Commissar meets in hand-to-hand engagement with the Governor and slays him stabbing him in the crotch, slowly slicing upwards to his stomach, killing him slowly before decapitating him, taking his skull and setting it alight before the main palace balcony. The commissar is then given the title of "Kingslayer" by his men.
-Shortly after the siege and the daemons disappear back into the Warp the sector slowly corrupts more and more into a hellish paradise, until and Inquisitorial fleet arrives believing the sector is in need of help, but see that it is too late.
-With a Warp portal the size of a planet the Inquisitor, then orders Exterminatus upon the sector but orders Space Marines of the Black Templars to retrieve holy relics that have not been defiled before the Exterminatus begins.
-Noticing the threat the Inquisition poses and the Black Templar crusade holds the Commissar prays the Dark god Khorne to return upon the sector to protect them form the Imperial forces.
-The Warp Portal erupts and a force of nightmarish warships appear, Identifiable to the Dark Mechanicum descend upon the Exterminatus fleet, noticing this The Commissar then orders a full attack upon all Black Templar forces that will invade upon all planets.
-As the battles are taking place the warp storm seems to appear to be growing rapidly and ends up swallowing the sector wide, however leaving the Imperial forces alone.
-Commissar finds out that the Mechanicum forces had been praying to the dark gods since the siege and the dark mechanicum had head their pleas, noticing some wealth in the forge World and sector, they answered instead of Khorne and took the sector to grow their smoke ridden Hell-forges.
-the guard forces now obey the dark mechanicum allowing to keep their uniform colours but will do their bidding, this now usually includes taking planets and sectors as well as taking specific items or materials on that world so that the Forges keep on running.
-Commissar now adopting his new way of life is still conflicted though as he did not wish for his sector to fully embrace chaos.
So what's everyone's thoughts? I think its a cool piece I have made, its how's Chaos as a sort of twisted good guy and the Imperium as the bad guy with a Conflicted Commissar right in the centre, all part of the Grim Darkness that is the 41st Millennium :)
This is The Warp Forge, signing out and remember to keep on forging!!!!
Is it the list or the attitude?
Ok so here I am again The Warp Forge with a topic I wish to discuss with you all, mostly on 40k but that can equate to wargaming in general..
When playing a game, is it the list someone may bring or the attitude someone bring with their army that people have dislike?
When I say they type of list, I mean like a type of Netlist, like in 40k such as Tau-dar, seer councils, Screamer stars, Helldrake spam, Wave Serpent spam, etc, etc or maybe a list especially designed to beat your list specifically, those sorts of lists, do they drag you down to a point where you roll your eyes intentionally at your opponent as you know they have done it deliberate? those kind of lists where you know it is one sided to high heck, and just a waste of a few hours for you to play that game?
Or is it the attitude of the player after all would you play against those lists if you knew your opponent was incredibly fun to play against? likewise would you play against someone who had an extremely fluffy or even just a wild list but had an really appalling attitude, you know like as in your opponent who would whine on one small even that happened during the game, or just was completely silent and only talked when he/she was announcing important events?
I ask because could it be both? or is it one or the other?
For me its a combination of both, it depends on the list, for example if I feel as if I was going up against a list that I knew I would feel powerless against, it would really drag my moral down, but I would play it if my opponent was extremely fun to play against, such as if he/she was extremely funny to play against, it would really ease up the game, but at the same time I could be playing against a list which seemed decent and non-abusive, but with every move I made my opponent could be saying really snarky things or look at me silently at me when their stuff is dying as if my opponent had planned to have an everlasting curse upon me that would ruin the mood of the game for me as well, but I see commonly on the internet that this discussion is either one or the other, but when I sit down and have had a good think about it, I think it really is a combination of the two in all honesty..
So what are your thoughts? what do you think, could it be the list an opponent takes or could it be her/his attitude towards the game?
Cheers to all comments :)
This is The Warp Forge signing out and remember to keep on forging!!!!
When playing a game, is it the list someone may bring or the attitude someone bring with their army that people have dislike?
When I say they type of list, I mean like a type of Netlist, like in 40k such as Tau-dar, seer councils, Screamer stars, Helldrake spam, Wave Serpent spam, etc, etc or maybe a list especially designed to beat your list specifically, those sorts of lists, do they drag you down to a point where you roll your eyes intentionally at your opponent as you know they have done it deliberate? those kind of lists where you know it is one sided to high heck, and just a waste of a few hours for you to play that game?
Or is it the attitude of the player after all would you play against those lists if you knew your opponent was incredibly fun to play against? likewise would you play against someone who had an extremely fluffy or even just a wild list but had an really appalling attitude, you know like as in your opponent who would whine on one small even that happened during the game, or just was completely silent and only talked when he/she was announcing important events?
I ask because could it be both? or is it one or the other?
For me its a combination of both, it depends on the list, for example if I feel as if I was going up against a list that I knew I would feel powerless against, it would really drag my moral down, but I would play it if my opponent was extremely fun to play against, such as if he/she was extremely funny to play against, it would really ease up the game, but at the same time I could be playing against a list which seemed decent and non-abusive, but with every move I made my opponent could be saying really snarky things or look at me silently at me when their stuff is dying as if my opponent had planned to have an everlasting curse upon me that would ruin the mood of the game for me as well, but I see commonly on the internet that this discussion is either one or the other, but when I sit down and have had a good think about it, I think it really is a combination of the two in all honesty..
So what are your thoughts? what do you think, could it be the list an opponent takes or could it be her/his attitude towards the game?
Cheers to all comments :)
This is The Warp Forge signing out and remember to keep on forging!!!!
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Plague Marine conversions WIP
Ok hi all The Warp Forge here with some WIP's of two Plague Marine Champions for two squads of Plague Marines I am currently converting:
And that's what Ive been upto today, it was very long to create these guys, so hope you all like 'em (as you know they will be in my YouTube Batreps) :)
This is The Warp Forge, signing off and remember... Keep on Forging!!!
And that's what Ive been upto today, it was very long to create these guys, so hope you all like 'em (as you know they will be in my YouTube Batreps) :)
This is The Warp Forge, signing off and remember... Keep on Forging!!!
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
The Soulless (my CSM Warbands background)
Ok so I thought to share my background of my CSM warband to you all, to let you all know what my warband does and why it does it.
This part is the story of their origins:
The Idea for them were to be the gods personal legion, as most if not all CSM warbands are too self centred (with word bearers maybe being the exception) imo, with a LoTD-esque feel going on an army of super soldiers with ghost or ethereal-like ability's but there only option (and the one they choose) is to serve the Dark gods..
Anyho this is the origin's of my Warband, I am planning on expanding it later once I have more free time to spare:
The soulless are a warband of myth and legend, even upon CSM legions and warbands they are legend and rumour. not much is known from The Soulless as there has only been very few reports of their activity upon real space. what is known to the inquisition is that they appear like shadows out of nowhere, they collect and obtain certain artefacts or specific individuals then disappear without a trace, leaving most times a planet unharmed, which is very irregular for a Chaos to do so, and this unnerves the Inquisition very much and is also seen as an Omen in many cases as when a sighting of the soulless appears, it is usually followed be a Daemonic invasion or a Warband attack and the Inquisition is very keen on more intelligence on these... ghost warriors. even in the Eye of Terror and The Warp the Soulless are shrouded in Myth and Legend. Even upon the great Warmaster Abbadon The Despoiler himself does not know of their Origins or their goals, but he is on watch as he is with his own legion as he does not will anyone to become a new Warmaster to take his place. Some say in the Warp they are Ghosts or incorporeal beings of Insane Space marines from the Abyssal Crusade looking for retribution for injustice that had been thrust upon them. Others say they are an Omen for any race to look upon them, for the are far more a horror than just a regular Chaos Marine, however the Truth is far more terrifying than that...
The Origins of the Soulless began in Ultima Segmentum on the planet of Traxis IV where the proud veteran captain of the Ultramarines of the 1st company Captain Leonidas Octavia and his company of Ultramarines were based with the task of Tyranid Hunting patrol and beacon duty to send any beacon of any fleets or splinter fleets to make a surprise flank attack upon the Ultima Segmentum, this whilst the Captain knew it was important to the sector he felt that this was a distain upon his honour as this he was a proud veteran of the War for Macragge, and he saw his whole squad ripped apart before him by Raveners, which he then ripped apart with power axe and plasma pistol, rage thrust upon him. the night he entered the planets atmosphere he began having strange visions and flashbacks mixed all into one with constant voices bickering and tempting him, the Apothecaries could not explain these "visions" nor could the Librarian Scipio and half of the company within 6 months the visions spread upon the librarian, only then did he realise what it was and he alerted the Captain as soon as he could, what was to happen next was to be the start of the downfall of this doomed company and uprising of the Soulless. The captain and Librarian both agreed to keep these "Visions" a Secret as they knew the Inquisition were In this sector locating traitors and these "visions" would only brand the company as heretics and therefore must be destroyed. 10 months passed and three quarters of the company were gaining these visions and the behaviour was also altered, as every Ultramarine was becoming more bloodthirsty with each kill they made on the Hunting patrols, they started talking out of term for an Ultramarine and they started wearing skinned, bloody skulls on their belts as trophy's. The master of the Forge on this mission was also acting more Anti-Social than a usual Techmarine usually is spending more time in the forges creating more "ambitious" Weaponry which was also unstable as well, but still the Inquisition did not enquire upon this as they were too busy hunting down Renegade Guard and what appeared to be by records a strong Primas Psyker. 2 more months past and the majority of the company as a whole was receiving the same visions as the Captain, only when the Inquisition landed upon the planet of Traxis IV did they notice all the oddity's of this company and just as they found the renegade Psyker and to begin enquires upon the Ultramarines, the Psyker was torn apart and exploded only to have released a warp portal of leviathan scale trapping the Inquisition and the Ultramarines upon the planet. In that instant The Visions clicked in for the company, they saw the Imperium for what it was: A fascist environment, that all of a sudden that all the deaths they had made for the Emperor were all in vain, for the Emperor could not hear them, not ever. The Captain, the Librarian and the master of the forge all bowed to the Daemons, for they realised that they are true embodiments of Gods and Freedom. then the vast Majority of the Chapter kennelled before the Daemons. a herald of Khorne stood before the Captain, looking at glee seeing nothing more than a sacrifice he raised is Hellblade high but as he was about to strike he stopped, and froze as if something was talking to him. He then grabbed the captain be the Chest plate and hoisted him up, then once again began attacking the Inquisitional forces, by this time The Captain raised his Axe and started slaughtering the Inquisitional forces, then so did the Librarian and the Techmarine, then so did the Company, the Inquisition and any loyal Ultramarines were cut asunder in a matter of hours in cold genocide, once all loyalists were killed the planet was swallowed in the Warp Portal, and was never to be seen again to the Imperium.
when the Warp Engulfed the Planet the Captain had a vision alongside the Techmarine and the Librarian the vision was of the Dark Gods of Chaos and they reached to them and told them they were to do a great many deed for them, and the ultramarines embraced that. the first thing the captain said which will be their chant forevermore would be "Serve the daemon" as soon as the captain said those words he alongside his brothers felt a power surge through them, none like they had ever experienced before but this only happened for a brief time. from the on the Captain was given a true Daemon name "An'ggarth Ryker" and his title was "The Reaper" The Master of the Forge was renamed to "Servitus Ironhand" and his title was "The Master of Puppets" and the Librarian was renamed to "Orzovius Orngur" and His title was "The Sandman". The gods also told them that they belong to the Daemons of the Warp which they also embraced and that they gave them the ability to be Incorporeal, to move though objects without anything to slow them down, and that if they should ever fall they would be reborn on this Daemon world which is to become their home, and as long as they did only their bidding they could have anything fulfilled that they wanted that they were denied from their former lives. From then on they knew they were the gods personal legion, and their goal is to do the gods bidding without question, and such was the power they were granted, they embraced it. However this was a double edged sword as 2 nights passed the company felt as if they were in a constant battle, even when there was not any enemies the gods required to kill, when asked a Lord of Change of Tzeench appeared and told them that there power was also their curse, as to install their power the Gods also placed a daemon of each parton into their very soul, and should they ever do anything against the gods will, the daemons will rip their souls apart.
My next plan is to make the warband ascend to Legion, and going into further detail of each of the head or main characters as well as there weapons, etc, etc,
Well hope you enjoyed this read :)
This is The Warp Forge signing out, and remember... Keep on forging!!!
This part is the story of their origins:
The Idea for them were to be the gods personal legion, as most if not all CSM warbands are too self centred (with word bearers maybe being the exception) imo, with a LoTD-esque feel going on an army of super soldiers with ghost or ethereal-like ability's but there only option (and the one they choose) is to serve the Dark gods..
Anyho this is the origin's of my Warband, I am planning on expanding it later once I have more free time to spare:
The soulless are a warband of myth and legend, even upon CSM legions and warbands they are legend and rumour. not much is known from The Soulless as there has only been very few reports of their activity upon real space. what is known to the inquisition is that they appear like shadows out of nowhere, they collect and obtain certain artefacts or specific individuals then disappear without a trace, leaving most times a planet unharmed, which is very irregular for a Chaos to do so, and this unnerves the Inquisition very much and is also seen as an Omen in many cases as when a sighting of the soulless appears, it is usually followed be a Daemonic invasion or a Warband attack and the Inquisition is very keen on more intelligence on these... ghost warriors. even in the Eye of Terror and The Warp the Soulless are shrouded in Myth and Legend. Even upon the great Warmaster Abbadon The Despoiler himself does not know of their Origins or their goals, but he is on watch as he is with his own legion as he does not will anyone to become a new Warmaster to take his place. Some say in the Warp they are Ghosts or incorporeal beings of Insane Space marines from the Abyssal Crusade looking for retribution for injustice that had been thrust upon them. Others say they are an Omen for any race to look upon them, for the are far more a horror than just a regular Chaos Marine, however the Truth is far more terrifying than that...
The Origins of the Soulless began in Ultima Segmentum on the planet of Traxis IV where the proud veteran captain of the Ultramarines of the 1st company Captain Leonidas Octavia and his company of Ultramarines were based with the task of Tyranid Hunting patrol and beacon duty to send any beacon of any fleets or splinter fleets to make a surprise flank attack upon the Ultima Segmentum, this whilst the Captain knew it was important to the sector he felt that this was a distain upon his honour as this he was a proud veteran of the War for Macragge, and he saw his whole squad ripped apart before him by Raveners, which he then ripped apart with power axe and plasma pistol, rage thrust upon him. the night he entered the planets atmosphere he began having strange visions and flashbacks mixed all into one with constant voices bickering and tempting him, the Apothecaries could not explain these "visions" nor could the Librarian Scipio and half of the company within 6 months the visions spread upon the librarian, only then did he realise what it was and he alerted the Captain as soon as he could, what was to happen next was to be the start of the downfall of this doomed company and uprising of the Soulless. The captain and Librarian both agreed to keep these "Visions" a Secret as they knew the Inquisition were In this sector locating traitors and these "visions" would only brand the company as heretics and therefore must be destroyed. 10 months passed and three quarters of the company were gaining these visions and the behaviour was also altered, as every Ultramarine was becoming more bloodthirsty with each kill they made on the Hunting patrols, they started talking out of term for an Ultramarine and they started wearing skinned, bloody skulls on their belts as trophy's. The master of the Forge on this mission was also acting more Anti-Social than a usual Techmarine usually is spending more time in the forges creating more "ambitious" Weaponry which was also unstable as well, but still the Inquisition did not enquire upon this as they were too busy hunting down Renegade Guard and what appeared to be by records a strong Primas Psyker. 2 more months past and the majority of the company as a whole was receiving the same visions as the Captain, only when the Inquisition landed upon the planet of Traxis IV did they notice all the oddity's of this company and just as they found the renegade Psyker and to begin enquires upon the Ultramarines, the Psyker was torn apart and exploded only to have released a warp portal of leviathan scale trapping the Inquisition and the Ultramarines upon the planet. In that instant The Visions clicked in for the company, they saw the Imperium for what it was: A fascist environment, that all of a sudden that all the deaths they had made for the Emperor were all in vain, for the Emperor could not hear them, not ever. The Captain, the Librarian and the master of the forge all bowed to the Daemons, for they realised that they are true embodiments of Gods and Freedom. then the vast Majority of the Chapter kennelled before the Daemons. a herald of Khorne stood before the Captain, looking at glee seeing nothing more than a sacrifice he raised is Hellblade high but as he was about to strike he stopped, and froze as if something was talking to him. He then grabbed the captain be the Chest plate and hoisted him up, then once again began attacking the Inquisitional forces, by this time The Captain raised his Axe and started slaughtering the Inquisitional forces, then so did the Librarian and the Techmarine, then so did the Company, the Inquisition and any loyal Ultramarines were cut asunder in a matter of hours in cold genocide, once all loyalists were killed the planet was swallowed in the Warp Portal, and was never to be seen again to the Imperium.
when the Warp Engulfed the Planet the Captain had a vision alongside the Techmarine and the Librarian the vision was of the Dark Gods of Chaos and they reached to them and told them they were to do a great many deed for them, and the ultramarines embraced that. the first thing the captain said which will be their chant forevermore would be "Serve the daemon" as soon as the captain said those words he alongside his brothers felt a power surge through them, none like they had ever experienced before but this only happened for a brief time. from the on the Captain was given a true Daemon name "An'ggarth Ryker" and his title was "The Reaper" The Master of the Forge was renamed to "Servitus Ironhand" and his title was "The Master of Puppets" and the Librarian was renamed to "Orzovius Orngur" and His title was "The Sandman". The gods also told them that they belong to the Daemons of the Warp which they also embraced and that they gave them the ability to be Incorporeal, to move though objects without anything to slow them down, and that if they should ever fall they would be reborn on this Daemon world which is to become their home, and as long as they did only their bidding they could have anything fulfilled that they wanted that they were denied from their former lives. From then on they knew they were the gods personal legion, and their goal is to do the gods bidding without question, and such was the power they were granted, they embraced it. However this was a double edged sword as 2 nights passed the company felt as if they were in a constant battle, even when there was not any enemies the gods required to kill, when asked a Lord of Change of Tzeench appeared and told them that there power was also their curse, as to install their power the Gods also placed a daemon of each parton into their very soul, and should they ever do anything against the gods will, the daemons will rip their souls apart.
My next plan is to make the warband ascend to Legion, and going into further detail of each of the head or main characters as well as there weapons, etc, etc,
Well hope you enjoyed this read :)
This is The Warp Forge signing out, and remember... Keep on forging!!!
Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought
Ok hi all. this is The Warp Forge once again with a bit of a hobby update for you all, this post its the CSM Contemptor Dreadnought, complete with Lychguard diorama:
Ive decided to call him "The Warden" and he will most likely the head of all my other Hellbrutes, he is armed with a twin-linked Lascannon and an inbuilt Meltagun :)
This is The Warp Forge signing off, and remember... Keep on forging!!!
Ive decided to call him "The Warden" and he will most likely the head of all my other Hellbrutes, he is armed with a twin-linked Lascannon and an inbuilt Meltagun :)
This is The Warp Forge signing off, and remember... Keep on forging!!!
Monday, 11 November 2013
Combat Servitors
Ok so I got curious and decided to create a new Unit for CSM one time, posted it on a Wargaming Forum called DakkaDakka and got a quite a bit of Praise for it, so I was wondering but what does the Blogger community think of this unit?
This was meant to give the Warpsmith a bit more flavour to the Codex and think it would look cool on the board :)
As the role of a servitor is to help a Techmarine with labour tasks, a Combat Servitors role is to ensnare and bind a Daemon machine whilst a Warpsmith makes the appropriate repairs and "Improvement's" to the daemon machine. In many cases these unlucky souls are simply prisoners that the Warpsmiths warband or Legion has "obtained" from a sector or planet that has been raided or taken by said warband or Legion although it is not rare for a cultist to be kidnapped my members of a Warpsmiths division of the warband, wither way each subject is endured in gruelling hours of pain as they are lobotomised with no anaesthetic and transformed into the mindless creatures they become. At times a Combat Servitor may succumb to its past memories of what he or she once was, in such a case the Combat Servitor will go insane and start attacking anyone it can reach. When such a case happens The Warpsmith has installed upon the Combat Servitor a self destruct mechanism, so when the Combat Servitor does succumb to its insanity, the Warpsmith will simply activate the self destruct devise upon the designated Combat Servitor causing it to explode in a mix of crimson scrap, but the explosion will only harm anyone who is less tough than the Warpsmith. They have obtained the name "Combat Servitors" because images of physical warfare can lead them into a oily adrenaline-fueled bloodthrist, and when they do enter combat there Chain tendrils rip apart light armour though means of savage mauling's and impaling's like madmen, reducing the enemy target into a bloody mist.
Ok so this is the first time I have made a homebrew unit for Chaos (or a homebrew unit at all), and I would love to hear the communities input on these guys
Combat Servitor
WS:4 BS:3 S:4 T:3 W:1 I:4 A:2 LD:9 Sv:4+
Combat Servitors.....................................................................................................................................................................................75pts
You may include one unit of Combat Servitors for every Warpsmith in your army.
Unit Composition:
- 5 Combat servitors
Unit Type:
- Infantry
- Chain Tendrils
Special Rules
-Berserk Mindlock
-Furious Charge
Berserk Mindlock:
At times on the battlefield a Combat Servitor may Succumb to memories of his or her former self driving it insane and attacking anyone in Tendrils reach, before mindwipe protocol's reset the Combat Servitor to maintenance state... If the Warpsmith has not activated the self-destruct mechanism beforehand
A unit of Combat Servitors must test for Berserk Mindlock at the start of each friendly turn. Roll a D6 for each unit of Combat Servitors. If the result is a 4+ the test is passed and the unit can function normally for the remainder of the turn. If the result is a 1-3 then the unit of Combat servitors have Succumbed to Berserk Mindlock - The unit (and any character in the unit) must move and assault the closest enemy unit (and any characters must move and assault the closest enemy unit (unless there are any special rules that have been bestowed on the unit that specifies that the unit cannot perform the Berserk Mindlock, such as an effect of a psychic power for example). A combat servitor unit does not make a Berserk Mindlock test if the unit is pinned or falling back. If a unit of Combat Servitors rally, then they must take the Rally test before making a Berserk Mindlock test.
If the Warpsmith feels under threat from a Combat Servitor or if he feels that it could be advantageous to him on the battlefield, The Warpsmith will activate a Self-Destruct mechanism causing the Combat Servitor to explode in a mess of oily crimson scrap
In the main-fight sub phase any number combat servitors may declare that they are going to declare a Self-Destruct rule, place a small blast template over the combat servitor, all models (friend and foe) under the small blast template suffer a Str 3 AP - hit, after casualty's have been resolved remove the Combat servitor without any types saves allowed (or any other clever way you can think of keeping him on the table). If all friendly Warpsmiths that the owning player controls have been removed from the table however, then all friendly Combat Servitors lose the Self-Destruct rule.
Chain Tendrils:
Chain Tendrils replace the arms of the former Combat servitor with worm-like tendrils that look similar to lasher tendrils. Their primary use is to bind and ensnare a Daemon machine and hold one in place whist the Warpsmith makes the appropriate repairs or installs "improvement's" on the warp beast. These Chain tendrils also can be weaponised to turn a light armoured enemy target into nothing more than a crimson mist.
A model equipped with chain Tendrils gain +2 attacks in combat.
Bind the machine!
While the Combat servitors can be used on the battlefield as weapons, they can also be quite good at binding a machine if the machine has taken damage so that the Warpsmith can make a repair at a faster rate
If a Warpsmith is with a squad of Combat Servitors as he is about to repair a vehicle using the Master of Mechanisms rule, then the Warpsmith gets an additional +1 to add to his repair roll for every 5 Combat Servitors in the unit.
May include up to 5 additional Combat Servitors:.....15pts/model
The unit may take one following Marks of Chaos:
Mark of Khorne:....4pts/model
Mark of Tzeench:...5pts/model
Mark of Nurgle:...4pts/Model
Mark of Slannesh:....3pts/model
For every 5 Combat servitors, one Combat Servitor may replace their Chain Tendrils with one of the following:
So what do you all think? would love to hear out all your thoughts on this unit :)
This is The Warp Forge signing off and remember... keep on forging!!!
This was meant to give the Warpsmith a bit more flavour to the Codex and think it would look cool on the board :)
As the role of a servitor is to help a Techmarine with labour tasks, a Combat Servitors role is to ensnare and bind a Daemon machine whilst a Warpsmith makes the appropriate repairs and "Improvement's" to the daemon machine. In many cases these unlucky souls are simply prisoners that the Warpsmiths warband or Legion has "obtained" from a sector or planet that has been raided or taken by said warband or Legion although it is not rare for a cultist to be kidnapped my members of a Warpsmiths division of the warband, wither way each subject is endured in gruelling hours of pain as they are lobotomised with no anaesthetic and transformed into the mindless creatures they become. At times a Combat Servitor may succumb to its past memories of what he or she once was, in such a case the Combat Servitor will go insane and start attacking anyone it can reach. When such a case happens The Warpsmith has installed upon the Combat Servitor a self destruct mechanism, so when the Combat Servitor does succumb to its insanity, the Warpsmith will simply activate the self destruct devise upon the designated Combat Servitor causing it to explode in a mix of crimson scrap, but the explosion will only harm anyone who is less tough than the Warpsmith. They have obtained the name "Combat Servitors" because images of physical warfare can lead them into a oily adrenaline-fueled bloodthrist, and when they do enter combat there Chain tendrils rip apart light armour though means of savage mauling's and impaling's like madmen, reducing the enemy target into a bloody mist.
Ok so this is the first time I have made a homebrew unit for Chaos (or a homebrew unit at all), and I would love to hear the communities input on these guys
Combat Servitor
WS:4 BS:3 S:4 T:3 W:1 I:4 A:2 LD:9 Sv:4+
Combat Servitors.....................................................................................................................................................................................75pts
You may include one unit of Combat Servitors for every Warpsmith in your army.
Unit Composition:
- 5 Combat servitors
Unit Type:
- Infantry
- Chain Tendrils
Special Rules
-Berserk Mindlock
-Furious Charge
Berserk Mindlock:
At times on the battlefield a Combat Servitor may Succumb to memories of his or her former self driving it insane and attacking anyone in Tendrils reach, before mindwipe protocol's reset the Combat Servitor to maintenance state... If the Warpsmith has not activated the self-destruct mechanism beforehand
A unit of Combat Servitors must test for Berserk Mindlock at the start of each friendly turn. Roll a D6 for each unit of Combat Servitors. If the result is a 4+ the test is passed and the unit can function normally for the remainder of the turn. If the result is a 1-3 then the unit of Combat servitors have Succumbed to Berserk Mindlock - The unit (and any character in the unit) must move and assault the closest enemy unit (and any characters must move and assault the closest enemy unit (unless there are any special rules that have been bestowed on the unit that specifies that the unit cannot perform the Berserk Mindlock, such as an effect of a psychic power for example). A combat servitor unit does not make a Berserk Mindlock test if the unit is pinned or falling back. If a unit of Combat Servitors rally, then they must take the Rally test before making a Berserk Mindlock test.
If the Warpsmith feels under threat from a Combat Servitor or if he feels that it could be advantageous to him on the battlefield, The Warpsmith will activate a Self-Destruct mechanism causing the Combat Servitor to explode in a mess of oily crimson scrap
In the main-fight sub phase any number combat servitors may declare that they are going to declare a Self-Destruct rule, place a small blast template over the combat servitor, all models (friend and foe) under the small blast template suffer a Str 3 AP - hit, after casualty's have been resolved remove the Combat servitor without any types saves allowed (or any other clever way you can think of keeping him on the table). If all friendly Warpsmiths that the owning player controls have been removed from the table however, then all friendly Combat Servitors lose the Self-Destruct rule.
Chain Tendrils:
Chain Tendrils replace the arms of the former Combat servitor with worm-like tendrils that look similar to lasher tendrils. Their primary use is to bind and ensnare a Daemon machine and hold one in place whist the Warpsmith makes the appropriate repairs or installs "improvement's" on the warp beast. These Chain tendrils also can be weaponised to turn a light armoured enemy target into nothing more than a crimson mist.
A model equipped with chain Tendrils gain +2 attacks in combat.
Bind the machine!
While the Combat servitors can be used on the battlefield as weapons, they can also be quite good at binding a machine if the machine has taken damage so that the Warpsmith can make a repair at a faster rate
If a Warpsmith is with a squad of Combat Servitors as he is about to repair a vehicle using the Master of Mechanisms rule, then the Warpsmith gets an additional +1 to add to his repair roll for every 5 Combat Servitors in the unit.
May include up to 5 additional Combat Servitors:.....15pts/model
The unit may take one following Marks of Chaos:
Mark of Khorne:....4pts/model
Mark of Tzeench:...5pts/model
Mark of Nurgle:...4pts/Model
Mark of Slannesh:....3pts/model
For every 5 Combat servitors, one Combat Servitor may replace their Chain Tendrils with one of the following:
So what do you all think? would love to hear out all your thoughts on this unit :)
This is The Warp Forge signing off and remember... keep on forging!!!
Ok so this is the first post on The Warp Forge, hi all and welcome to The Warp Forge, from YouTube to Blogger now since I have found out how to use this Blog, because I like talking about upcoming projects, battles, games and the hobby in general, I have created this blog to share with you all on my progress into the games I play and my thoughts on topics about the hobby, why? because I love discussing the hobby with you all :) so what I am going to try and do is to post up upcoming announcements for the channel on an every day basis, to help you know what's coming for the Channel and to discuss about topics in more detail than a video could ever do :)
For the first announcement for the channel, I have been working very hard on a Tactical insight for all the units in IA: Apoc, starting with Chaos (of course), obviously this is going to take me a while to create, but as well while your waiting I will be doing the Usual Batreps as well to show you all that I have not abandoned you, I am working on Videos but currently its hard to make time for videos as College work takes first priority, but rest not as I am creating content because I love creating content for you all..
For those who don't know about The Warp Forge, it is a wargaming YouTube channel I created, I am The Warp Forge And I create content ranging from all sides of the hobby, Gaming, Modelling and Painting and I am hoping to have a great time with you all on Blogger, I currently play Warhammer 40k As Chaos Space Marines, allied Chaos Daemons, Orks and hope to start Traitor guard early next year :) I wish to play more games but currently at my FLGS it's either 40k, MTG or get out but hopefully this will be subject to change :)
I also create games as well for recreational purposes, but have yet to find a way to show it all to the wargaming community, Currently I am working on a Sci-fi Skirmish game called Lockdown, and a Steampunk fantasy wargame called The Forgotten Realm (but name is subject to change)
So this is all about me, I would love to hear you all out and hope to find some great Blogs to follow as well on Blogger :)
Until then, this is The Warp Forge signing out and remember Keep on Forging :)
For the first announcement for the channel, I have been working very hard on a Tactical insight for all the units in IA: Apoc, starting with Chaos (of course), obviously this is going to take me a while to create, but as well while your waiting I will be doing the Usual Batreps as well to show you all that I have not abandoned you, I am working on Videos but currently its hard to make time for videos as College work takes first priority, but rest not as I am creating content because I love creating content for you all..
For those who don't know about The Warp Forge, it is a wargaming YouTube channel I created, I am The Warp Forge And I create content ranging from all sides of the hobby, Gaming, Modelling and Painting and I am hoping to have a great time with you all on Blogger, I currently play Warhammer 40k As Chaos Space Marines, allied Chaos Daemons, Orks and hope to start Traitor guard early next year :) I wish to play more games but currently at my FLGS it's either 40k, MTG or get out but hopefully this will be subject to change :)
I also create games as well for recreational purposes, but have yet to find a way to show it all to the wargaming community, Currently I am working on a Sci-fi Skirmish game called Lockdown, and a Steampunk fantasy wargame called The Forgotten Realm (but name is subject to change)
So this is all about me, I would love to hear you all out and hope to find some great Blogs to follow as well on Blogger :)
Until then, this is The Warp Forge signing out and remember Keep on Forging :)
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