Monday 24 November 2014

Into the Dark

Into The Dark...

A Warhammer 40k short story.
Achilies hacked the chainsaw into the Genestealer. The smell; foul, like a combination of oil and human excrement fused together to create  something tottally abomnable, but that did not distract Achilies. The blood smattering across his blue armour and thickening the chainsword in in a dark crimson blanket, with the creature screeching in what appeared to be pain. The corridors were claustaphobic barely room to move around, all dirty and neglected, with metal clashing across metal to form what appeared to be makeshift repairs by the passage of time. "The Hellfire of Iron" had been lost in the Warp for three thousand years, but its re-appearence of this Hulk was seen as an oppurtunity as well as a duty to retrive the anchent relic "Herald of Honour" that was taken from the Ultramarines so long ago and to destroy the Space Hulk before it reached to the Ulrix sector which housed a Forge World.
As Achilies removed the chainsword from the ribcage of the Xeno, it hissed before slumping to the ground. "Onwards Brothers" Achilies ordered his brothers "The relic is almost within reach, soon we will be off this blasphemous pile". Achilies crushed the Xenos head, blood squirting in all directions, the cracking of bone only to echo the corridors of the Hulk, then walked on as with the rest of his squad.
The area was dark. Lights flickered occasionlly, it was only a good thing squad "Lions Roar" had good vision from their enhancements combined with the night vision upon their helmets. "Brutus, how many clicks before we reach the relic?" Asked Pentus, Pentus being a veteran of the war for Macragge was always bitter at least when knowing he was fighting Tyranids and knew he wanted to get this mission done and over with as soon as possible.
"Aye, just ahead this corridor will be the room containing the relic acording to the vox-readings" Brutus replied to Pentus. Remus and Darium the fourth and fifth members of "Lions Roar" stayed silent, just checking everywhere for the slightest sight of more Xenos for attack.
Soon they reached the entrance of the room with the relic and Achilies smashed through the aged ceremite door as it would refuse to open. as they entered they saw the Herald and the room. the rooom was blasphemous. Anchient statues pushed and broken by makeshift metal, cracked by age and slowly crumbling before the weight of age that had been enthrusted upon them. The walls ripped apart and twisted to the will of the hulk. At the back wall of the room opposite the entrance stood the Herald of Honour within its wired casing the Herald was an Axe. A Power Axe that was known for slaying many a Daemon and Heretic Lord alike, with a firey heart the Herald was a sight to behold glowing brightly illuminating half the room. Achilies the proud Sargent of Macragge, known for many a deed from slaying the Ork Warboss Grimteef and the Mutant Lord Asregoth the defiler, marched towards the relic and knelled before it. the wrires keeping the Herald emplaced, uncoiled and unwound around it and the Axe was pushed forth towards the Ultramarine by pistons. Achilies with keen intent grabbed the Relic and held it uphigh towards his brothers.
"AND WE SHALL KNOW NO FEAR!" His squad replied to the sargent in syncronhisation.
Brutus turned around to face the Entrance willing to make a keen exist when suddenly he was hoisted up two feet by two large Scythe-like mandibles and Brutus clashed to the floor after a loud snap was heard coming from his arms. Brutus let out a loud shout of anger and pain and attempted to get up but he could not. His arms were cut clean off his torso. Pentus quickly rushed towards Brutus and grabbed Brutus to stand him up, Brutus writhing in agony. Remus and Darium aiming their Bolterguns in all directions as Achilies came to Pentus' aid.  "Ive seen this before on Macragge, we are being stalked!" Pentus told Achilies. "Squad we need to abandon this dammned place, Pentus will escort Brutus out of this area. Remus, Darium and I will escort you two out!" Achilies orderered his squad. Achilies knew from the War for Macragge that this was an organised stalk and hunt tactic from the organised bioform known to the Imperium as a Lictor.
Suddenly the bioform burst through the floor and grabbed Darium taken by suprise and coiled its arms and scythe-like mandibles around the Astartes. before Darium could react the Xeno's small tenticles coiled around his helmet smothering his head and jumped back into the hole it had just created, Remus blasted the bolter hoping to hit the dammned Xeno, the boltfire flickering the room in bursts of light, but to no avail; No Ailen howls were heard and Darium was nowhere to be seen. The Xeno had caught its first victim.
"Extraction! NOW!" Ordered Achilies, "We require the assistance of a battering ram urgently!" Achilies was bellowing orders through his vox to the ship that had taken him to the hulk. "Yes my Lord, but you need to move towards these co-ordinates for a scessfull extraction" A servitor replied through the vox, "Very well, make sure its ready when we get there" Replied Achilies. soon all Astares exited the damnned room.
As walking through the Claustraphobic corridoors Achilies at the front, lading by example followed by Pentus who kept Brutus upright, then followed by Remus, all were checking for life insignias but none were seen on the scanners within the readings on their helmets, All aiming their Boltguns and Boltpistols ahead awaiting for the Xeno at any moment, everystep with caution. Suddenly after walking across a four way junction of corridors, a mandible hooked Remus by the torso by the back and recoiled trapping Remus and hoisted him into its claws impaling Remus by the stomach who was the excecuted by a swift decapitation by one of its many clawed fingertips. Pentus turned to see the grisly sight, fired his bolt pistol in anger whilst he kept Brutus upright in his other arm, most shots missed for the foul Xeno was quick, an undeniable fact but as it left the scene a bone cracking impact was heard, blood gouted everywhere and a high shriek was heard from whatever it had in pace of a mouth, and thye Lictor dissapeared.
"The Xeno should bleed out now" Pentus growled "and by the Emperor I hope it feels its pain to its last breath". "We have lost many Bothers on this mission, let us not lose more by cursing at xenos that should be dead now, Our bothers died so that the mission can go on" Achilies pursued, He knew that there were more ailen beasts upon this wretched hulk of the dammned and he did not want to spare a sinlge secxond on it, and so the survivors went on.
At last they got to the destination zone. Achilies saw that the assault ram had not arrived yet and demanded to go straight onwards to the vox. "By the Emperor where is our extraction vessal? We cannot wait any longer we have a severe wounded and lost two of our own here, so how long before it comes?" Achilies asked in fustration, his tone blank but grim. A servitor replied "Extraction now within two minuties" Achilies was fustrated that he had to wait but he knew full well the battle barge escorting him along with other squads to reclaim other lost relics and to destroy certain energy cores were needed to blow the Hulk up wes unnder fire from achient offencive capabilities from the Hulks damaged drives. As soon as Achilies switched off from the vox, the ground eruppted and burst, Brutus and Pentus fell stright into the floor gaping wound and as they fell Achilies heard the many screeches of many alien beasts as well as many feet stampedeing towards Pentus and Brutus. Achilies knew their fate was on board the Hulk, forever now. Achilies had no time to grieve as from teh wound of the floor teh damnned Xeno crawled out and stood up looking at the captain. The capatin was ready for a riptose by the alien attack but the Lictor did not strike first, it was as if the Xeno was studying him, ready for the rigtht time to pounce. Through the glow of the Herald and the bionic enchncements of his sight the Captain saw where the wound from Pentus' bolt pistol was made, it had took a chunk of its eye out along with part of the skull. The captain knew what to do and since time was not on his side he knew he had to attack first. with a wave of the axe, the Capatin swung the Herald across one of the mandiples of the lictor, only to be blocked and the thrown into one of the walls of the Hulk, as the Lictor made an advancement upon the Captain with its claws to grab his chest the Captain wasted no time and threw himself right into the Bioform tackling the beast, dased the Lictor had no time to counter the fury of the ultramarine, with two more swings the Herald bit deep into the Lictors mandibles and cut them stright off, the alien shrieking so loud it would have been deafing to the avaerage guardsman, But Achilies had heard it all before on other battlefields, all roars and shrieks were the same and did not phase him. before the Lictor had time to attack once again Achilies hammered the Heralds fury right into its chest, blood gouting straight from its wound, the Captain kicked the aliens torso to sheathe the blade away only to hammer the blade right into its head. The xeno, was finnally extreminated.
As the Lictor fell to its knees and into the wound of the floor a thousand ailen shrikes were heard. Achilies knew he had little time left to wait. 

Achilies Stood his ground, if he ran he knew he would be overun by overwhelming Xeno's. He raised his plasma pistol to eye level, stairing straight into the dark, his vision could only see so much but he knew that there were uncountable eyes watching him running stright towards him. the footsteps were loud and were getting louder and louder along with the unbearable shrieking. Suddenly a large clash of metal was heard from a small distance away. He knew it was the extraction vessal. Achilies seizing the oppurtunity at that moment ran, he ran the fastest he ever could through the hallway and there it was. The casteus assault ram in its mighty glory. It was a blessing to behold. The Xenos burst through all walls and floors and roofs but Ahilies with all his might bashed past them the cracking of Xeno bones heard for all, into the barge, the barge sealing off its doors dismembering Alien limbs as they to writhe and claw their way in. The barge took off leaving a large vacume sucking uncountable Xeno lifeforms out into the cold void of space. No more screams. No more shrieking to be heard. 

Thursday 13 November 2014

Astra Militarum Vs. The Lost and the Dammned.. which codex to use?

Ok so another brainstorming post here but something that I have been contemplating about a lot with the new IA 13 book released:

Which codex should YOU use?

Now bear in mind I have not read much upon the latest IA 13 book, but will be getting it later in the future :)

Ok so before IA 13 came out we did have traitor guard in 6th ed.... Well sort of as you could ally them as conveniant with CSM.. and wernt they were beutiful to see :D Basikisks alongside Defilers, Ogryns fighting with Terminators, etc, etc. It was a good day to see both on the field..

Then 7th ed came and we "lost" out conveniant BFF's, but we did get Daemonology.. which whilst noce for use power hungry CSM, did recieve a shed ton of flame for..

Now IA 13 has came out and with that we got... something truely unique...

Now I would like to say here that Unique is not a bad thing. Unique is awesome in 40k because now we have something truely tasteful. Its not a Carbon Copy of Astra yet from bits Ive read it not a terrible list as well, which I like.. A lot.

Now from what I've read here and there we don't get Manticores or Deathstrike missiles anymore (Which I personally believe was a missed oppurtunity, because I always thought of it to be comical to have "the big nuke" with the chair-swiveling evil villian demanding one million dollars with his little finger, but I digress) but we do get one unit which brings a smile upon any grizzled vets face... The Griffon :D

For those who don't know the Griffon was a nice, tidy unit that had a good big gun that ignored cover saves as a large blast and had a decent Str and AP..

Its always nice to get missed units like that back I always thought :)

We also got extra.. more fun units like Mutant Overlords.. something I will instantly try out as I love the idea and conversion oppurtunities :)

So back to Astra with all this IA goodness for the Traitors why should you go Astra?

Well for one you get Pask.. Pask is one of the best units alive in 40k imho..

Secondly you get Orders.. which are insane in the context of combos you can pull off with it :D

and lastly? Tempestus Sicons.. those models are badass :)

So I guess my question to you all budding Hereteks is which codex will you use? Astra Militarum? or The Lost and the Damnned?

Personally I will be using both.. I will use IA 13 first and foremost, but if my opponent becomes painfully agitated by that decision then I would choose the Astra Codex..

anyho, brainstorm complete, so this is The Warp Forge, signing out and remember... Keep On Forging!

Monday 10 November 2014

Hellbrutes in packs..

Ok so this is an odd brainstorming post, but just a thought that I would like to see in the next CSM codex..

Hellbrutes in packs, and what I mean by that is have them as vehicle squadrons..

Now I know what yoyr going to say.. Why? Well just thinking snd reading the fluff behind them and I thought.. well why not? FW have established that Chaos Dreadnoughts still exist and Hellbrutes as I'm reading through the fluff are prisons, cages containing a mad Astartes or prisoner within, so instead of just launching the odd one why not throw a pack at them? Afterall I assume the materials needed to obtain a Hellbrute are more common than a dreadnought because of all the possessed stuff the Hellbrute is made from and because I can imagine Chaos Lords using them as Line or formation breakers, the hulking behemoths smashing through the enemy ranks to disorientate them as the other squads prey on the enemy as they are dazed..

Just the odd thought of tbe day..

This is The Warp Forge, Signing out and remember.. Keep on forging!

Saturday 8 November 2014

So a new refreshing take upon the Orks..

Ok so with the current book, I realise that I cannot keep up with the race with the current units I have, my force I will admit right now is an unorganised mess of bloat. This was because there was a lot in the old codex that I could switch around to gain an organised force, but now with the new codex my units are trash imo, untill I make a unified force.

So we now have the next chapter.. Re-booting an Ork force.

So with this in mind I decided to think of a completely fresh approach fro a new list for the Greenskins and I always think what would happen if I actually went Green tide..

My current thoughts about Green tide and the amount of bodies was because of my Tyranid opponent en. Massing the swarm so to say, and he is actually doing quite well with it, (granted those Flyrants are his key card in his list which do get the attention and limelight of his list) and it did get me thinking about the Boyz and what would it be like when I have en. massed them..

And so with that thought I decided to make a list with the tide of green, and unending mass of T 4 and raving loonies wanting to scram to the combat..

So here is the List:

HQ (Warlord)

'Eavy Armour
Cybork body
Lucky Stikk
Kombi Rokkit (unusual I know but its for WYSIWYG purposes)
Power Klaw


(30) Ork boyz
Boss Nob
Power Klaw

(30) Ork boyz
Boss Nob
Power Klaw

(30) Ork boyz
Boss Nob
Power Klaw

(30) Ork boyz
Boss Nob
Power Klaw

(30) Ork boyz
Boss Nob
Power Klaw

... This came to around 1260 points, I was astounded by how much I had left for the rest of my units in my army, theres a shit ton of bodies and I can get more stuff...

Heavy Support:

(3) Big Gunz
(3) Traktor Kannonz

I took these for dedicated AA fire, as in my area everyone takes a flying unit now these days.. This is to ruin their day hehe ;)

Grot Riggerz
Extra Armour

Grot Riggerz
Extra Armour

I took these because I love the Gorkanought plus it helps against those pesky small units that are a bigger to kill off by drowning them in Str 6 AP 4 shots, also good at dwindling other hordes down..

Fast attack:

Additional supa shoota

I took this for a more flexible way of getting to units that are in entrenched locations of the board

All this came to 1969pts I have a few points left over and I am considering red paint jobs to all vehicles that can take them..

So there we have it. I full fresh new taker on the Orks for me, personally aside of the lack of tanks I do feel quite comfortable with this list I like the amount of bodies that will give area denial to my opponents meaning that it will be hard for my opponent to manoeuvre around the board because of the amount of bodies I will produce for the horde..

Other places I am looking towards is the WAAAGH GHAZKULL!!! supplement because of the Bully Boyz formation as I love Meganobz and the Zagstruck formation as well because I also love Stormboyz..

So untill next time..

This is The Warp Forge, signing out and remember.. Keep on Forging!

Updates? Whats been going on...

Ok hi all, The Warp Forge here with a rather unusual post here..

So I know I am not the most kept up to date here on the blog, and there's a reason for that.
Basically I have lots of coursework to do. Lots. So much in fact that it does take out a lot of time and energy from me and to me its hard to get routinely updates when I am out of energy.
But I have tried to come up with more and more whenever I have spare time on my hands so rest assured I am not neglecting the Channel at all, and we do have stuff awaiting for you all in the future.

So what does this mean for the Forge? well for the channel I will post up more video updates. I currently have another Battle Report coming up between Chaos and the Bugs so that will be an interesting fight for you all :) On the Facebook page it means more WIP images for painting projects. On here, the blog? Whenever I get a brainstorm for an idea I will post it up, I will also be posting about topics with the hobby and my views on them on this blog, but with that said the blog in general will become more.. personal so to say, I will be more down to earth and more bias when I am talking to you all on here the blog, this mean that I will most likely make points that you may agree or disagree with, but that will be my honest opinion of the time. I will also post up few images here and there of games and models as well. I addition I will also post up ideas for my current games and post up ryules and background to go with my games to show you the universes I am creating.

Anyho that will all be in store, in the future for you all.

This is The Warp Forge, signing out and remember.. Keep on forging!

Sunday 19 October 2014

Freebootas Supplement?

Hi all, Warp Forge here just wondering and rabbling about ideas here, but I just want to know what are everyones thoughts on a Freeboota Supplement fandex for the Orks if I made one?

Or better yet a collective of all of us Dark Magos' to help one, another out for creating a fandex we all can be happy with?

I had a few ideas, one of which seemed cool for a gun for the Freebootas:


Range: 18"

Strength: 5

AP: 4

Type: Assault 3, High Voltage (as seen in the Grot-Prod entry)

-Flash gitz can become troops

-New armour type available to Flash gitz and Kaptins:

Snazzy Armour: models gains a 2+ Sv..............8pts.

-Kaptins replace Warbosses..

Just a few brainstomed ideas, what do you all think?

Cheers to all comments.

Friday 4 July 2014

Custom Rules: Looted Wagon!

Ok so after reading up on the Looted wagon rules, I do have to say that I did feel as if the rules were... Well... C+P and made in two minutes in an odd coffey break and honestly I just felt as if this was just not plain cricket.

So I thought, why not give them a complete new makeover for the new book, for a bit of fun

And so here is my interpretation of how the Looted Wagon should have been:

Looted Wagon......................................................30pts

BS: 2 F:10 S:10 R:10

Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank, Open-topped, Transport)

Unit Composition:

1 Looted Wagon

Special Rules:

Don't Press Dat: Roll 1D6 for each units of Looted Wagons at the start of the shooting phase. On a roll of a 1, the Looted Wagon must move flat out, even if it performed a tank shock earlier in the turn.


Transport Capacity: fifteen models

Fire points: If a Looted Wagon has the 'ard case upgrade it has four fire points one at either side of the hull, one at the front of the hull and one at the rear of the hull.

Access points: If a Looted wagon has the 'ard case upgrade then it has here access points, one at either side of the hull and one at the rear of the hull.


May include upto two additional Looted Wagons: 30pts per model

May take one of the following:

Boomgun: 30pts per model
Killakannon: 15pts per model
Zzap Gun: 15pts per model
Kannon: 10pts per model
Lobba: 10pts per model
Bubblechukka: 15pts per model
Kustom Mega-Kannon: 15pts per model
Smasha Gun: 10pts per model
Traktor Kannon: 20pts per model
Two Twin-Linked Deffgunz: 15pts per model
Deffstorm Mega Shoota: 30pts per model

You may also upgrade the Front and Side Armour Values of the Looted Wagon to a maximum of Armour Value 14:
Front Armour: 15pts for each additional point of AV, per model
Side Armour: 15pts for each additional point of AV, per model

You can also upgrade the Rear Armour Value of a Looted Wagon upto a maximum of Armour Value 12:
Rear Armour: 15pts for each additional point of AV, per model
Rear Armour15pts for each additional point of AV, per model

May Take upto 4 of the following:

Big Shoota: 5pts each per model
Rokkit Launcher: 5pts each per model
Skorcha: 5pts each per model
Kustom Mega Blasta: 10pts each per model
Burna: 1pts each per model
Deffgun: 10pts per model

May Take any of the Following:
Deffrola: 10pts
'Ard case: 15pts
Grabbin Klaw: 5pts

May take equipment from the Ork Vehicle Equipment list.

Ok so what was the aim of this?

This was to really make Looted Wagons... Well... Looted and custom to really make a good squadron of Looted battle tanks scrapped and cobbled together by the Meks into each Warboss' image, this was to basically really have fun making Looted wagons to cover a wide range of vehicles with one type of unit, and to also make the atmosphere of a Looted Wagon feel lifelike and give it some soul for each Ork Player to enjoy.

What I want to know, is what is your opinion of this loadout? is there anything you feel that is too expensive? Too cheap? and if anyone wants to playest these rules and give me feedback then I would also appreciate that

Bearing in mind that this is meant to be more of a fun loadout than a competitive one, but also one to give more variety to everyone out there

So would love to hear your opinions on it and why you would think that

Cheers to all comments

Monday 30 June 2014

More Progress on Lord Zufor!

Ok so more Progress on Lord Zufor :) I'm personally very happy with how he is turning out so far :)

This is The Warp Forge, Signing out and remember.. Keep on forging!

The Mob Rule table

Ok so first off I don't really like criticising about rules and armies in public discussion as I don't really like getting too much mixed up in the politics of the game however I do feel as this is needed to be pointed out, and to get this off my chest..

Ok so what is the Mob Rule now?

Basically if you fail a moral or pinning test (so you can take a possible both tests in a turn) you consult a chart, on a 1 you run away, on a 2-4 you take D6 strength 4 hits at AP- and pass the test on a 5-6 you take the D6 hits as you would for the 2-4 result except its randomly allocated and if your boys are less than 10 in the squad they fail the test.

Ok so you take some hits but pass test, seems fair?

No, the fact is, is that it heavily penalises small mobz of boys, plus it can take a lot out of a big mob, such as if your opponent kills 8 guys out of a  30 boy mob you fail a moral test and now you kill off 3 guys (seeing as its average) that's over a quarter of your guys gone in one phase, let along turn and while yes you pass your moral/pinning how long will it get before you make it in combat? how and how many of your guys will actually make it in combat? too many variables just to say "you passed moral therefore all is good" so to say..

The other thing that annoys me about this rule is their shoddy reason behind it, the Game devs basically said that Orks like to fight eachother.. Yes this is correct Orks do like to fight eachother.. however they will only fight eachother only if there is no one else around

Put it this way:

Your an Ork boy in a large mob and your mate Zog it right next to you and you quite clearly see and horde of Hormagaunts charge towards you and your Mob is beginning momentum for a charge towards the horde, now do you:

A) Bonk your mate Zog over the head repeatedly with your Choppa


B) Follow the rest of your mob and charge the Hormaguants..

If you chose A) even an Ork Boy would classify you as a simpleton..

This is what annoys me about the Game Devs reasoning behind the rule, they knew what they were doing and so do we, us, their audience, however they put up a shoddy reason behind it instead of the saying the real reason behind the rule... to make Space Marines look good.

The other thing that annoys me about this rule is more form a game designing perspective, your playing a horde army meaning that you will have a shed ton of models to move, shoot, etc, etc, this of course takes time and a lot of it because of the amount of models you have.. This rule of random rolling followed by even more random rolling just bulks out the game even more unnecessarily I mean yeah this will take a few mins to resolve, yet those few mins take time out still and even more so builds up for every time you roll the chart.

Ok so how about minimising results for the Mob Rule table?

Yes there are ways fortunately, and it does help to minimise results so its not all doom and gloom.. However these results are either expensive or very controversial..

The first thing that jumped to me was the Stompa.. that beast has a special rule called effigy which means that units within 6" of it gain fearless, which stops mob rule in its tracks..


The Stompa is a very controversial unit, and this is because not many people like playing against super-heavy's and will refuse games as soon as they hear the word "super" without batting an eye.. So we have to assume that The Stompa for this time is out of bounds..

The other option includes giving your mobz 'Eavy armour which confers a 4+ save, seems good right? well its is.. however it is 4pts meaning that your average boy becomes 10pts.. 10pts... for 4 points more you can a CSM.. in turn this means your average horde will cost around 350pts which as you can see, is very expensive..

You can also place in a Painboy in the unit giving the unit Feel No Pain.. However (I love the word however hehe ;) ) he does take up a HQ slot meaning your going to be taking multiple detachments this way or your going with the new Ork detachment which reinforces Green Tide, and also to that its only FNP.. many weapons can still attack and basically ignore your points you paid to make your mobz FNP, plus is still bulks the game unnecessarily...

There is also The Kustom Force Field, however its gives a 5+ invulnerable save against shooting attacks to models within 6" of it.. yeah with such a small range, your not going to have all your mobz covered..

So there are ways to minimise however you are paying points to fix something internally instead of paying points to focus on your enemy, which I disagree with.. a lot.

My apologies for a negative rant but I did feel as if I had to address this point and get it off my chest, but as I resume I have a lot of nice things to say and review in the future for the Ork codex :)

This is The Warp Forge, signing out and remember.. Keep on forging!

New Orks!

Ok so had a day on launch of this battle report:

Will be making more reports of as well as reviews on more sections of the codex.

Personally from first impressions, it seems solid but I do think the Mob rule table will hurt us a lot..

As do go into a deeper discussion on the Mob Rule table I do think I need to make another topic about it..

Saturday 28 June 2014

Ork Codex first impressions

Ok so today I got the new Ork codex and I had my first game with it against the 'ol Bugz (Tyranids), it was a good scrap and in the end I won the game by 1 VP.

So with that here are my first impressions of the book:

Here are my first impressions of the Codex:

 What I liked:

 Stompas now in the codex. This beast was a great unit, very expensive but a fun great unit and I will be very bold so say that it's not OP for a super-heavy walker
 New Upgrades (Gifts of Gork and Mork): Really liked this, especially Da Shiny Shoota, and Da Finkin Kap, only wished my Warboss stayed alive long enough to use the Killchoppa..
 What I don't like:

 Mob Rule: while I did not have many units of boys as my points sank into the Stompa I did get into combat with enemy units, and it really takes its toll, I mean it really hurt to be in assault with Hormagaunts, (yes you did hear that right), and honestly once I get more games under my belt I really do think this rule will impact upon the Orks in a big negative way imo..

 Lack of Inv Saves: This is killer, as I found out with my Warboss, that because we don't have Inv saves even the hardest on multi-wound modes will be barraged and slapped around like abuse cute and fluffy animals, personally this may frustrate me in the future, and tbh I can see that happening..

 No FoC Swapping: This already frustrated me in the first place tbh, and I feel restricted because of this, and to me it makes Orks lacks flavour of unit selection imo..

 Orks are still I: 2: So they strike at the same time as a Necron and a Fire Warrior? no I really don't bite that..

 Loss of WAAAGGH!!! Plane and Fighta Ace: Yeah I used the Dakkajet and personally, losing WAAAGH!!! plane was one thing but I really don't like the Fightaboss rule as I now have to hit majority of ground units as BS2, which I dislike.

 Personally whilst I liked the option for Wazdakka and Old Zogwart, I never really picked them anyway so they make no difference to me (but I can see why people would be ticked off).

 Conclusion: The Ork codex changed, it got a few new shiny stuff here and there, and I really need to get a few more games under my belt before I can come into a final judgement about the book, but I honestly feel as if the codex is a bit... bland if I do say so myself, there's a lot of sauce, but no beef to go with it so to say, I feel as if they went a bit safe with the Ork codex, and not added many things that would sort of hit the nail in the coffin so to say again..
 Like I say I personally feel that I need more games under my belt to get a full, fair and final judgement on the book, but that is where I stand with it at the moment imo..

Monday 9 June 2014

Lord Zufor WIP

Ok so I just bought this Lord Zufor secondhand and I was just cleaning it up and fleshing it out making hom brighter and got to work on his head :)

This is The Warp Forge signing out, and remember.. Keep on forging!

Sunday 8 June 2014

Latest Video: The arrival of Warhammer 40k 7th edition

40k Ramblings: The arrival of 7th edition:

6th edition is dead. Long live 7th ed!

The Joker

So in this post it is my latest project which is Heath Ledgers Joker from The Dark Knight from Nolans trilogy by Knights Models.

Hope you all enjoy :)

This is The Warp Forge signing off and remember... Keep on forging!


Ok wow its been a while, and I am so sorry to you all, its just been such a lobg time of being busy with exams and all, its been very hard to focus on this..

Ok to go through a few things for you all:


This game has its rules written, I need to type them up then add a few factions in and playtest, background has been made as part if a timeline to show how events have went in the universe of lockdown. One of the main problems when creating the game was visualisation; I found it hard to show you how everything looks the atmosphere, the races, the weapons, etc, etc as I myself can draw but not to the degree that fimor the effect I want to give you all, but now I have a friend who has said that he can draw for me who can draw to the standard that I want to I am very greatful that he has offered his services to me :)

The Forgotten Realm:

Ok so this is still in the same boat as Lockdown however in terms of rules it is very complete, so now its just typing it up on a computer and turning into a PDF file for you all to enjoy :)

Warhammer 40,000:

It is now 7th edition, may its reign be long and just. I am still sticking to 40k and I am going going to do a shed ton more coverage on it, and I am also thinking on adding a few friends to The Warp Forge project in aid to help show a wider variety of content at quick pace for you all to enjoy at home.

Other games:

Ok so this is a big thing for me as I wanted The Warp Forge project to be about wargaming in all its shapes and sizes, not just stuck with 40k to be honest, so I took the liberty of getting my finger out of my arse and went buy a few games to expand on this project, so I niw have invested into three more games which are:

Deadzone - Mantic Games

Malifaux - Wyrd Games

Batman Miniatures Game - Knights Models

So already I have a player base for two of these games but we are all just starting Deadzone and we are all keen on the idea of starting this game.

The Warp Forge Project:

Hopefully now with Exams out of the way I can now get started with more content for you guys at home with all the usual updates.

This is The Warp Forge, signing out and remember... Keep on forging!